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Five Weeks to the Healthy High!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

Five Weeks to the Healthy High!

Want to do the Healthy High race, but not sure how to get in shape for it? This easy 5 week plan will get you ready in no time! Running can be done on a treadmill or outdoors.

Running a Farther Distance??Stick with it for a few more weeks and make your high-mileage dreams come true.
To do a 10K….Repeat weeks 1 through 5 from the plan below, adding 1 mile to every workout.
For a half marathon…Follow the 10K directions, then repeat it, adding an additional mile to every workout.
Race Training Lingo:

Cross training: Do any cardio activity, except running, for 30 to 45 minutes. Hiking, the elliptical, stair climbing, swimming, and biking are all great choices.
Distance workout: Run far at a moderate pace, which increases your endurance.
Recover: Walk or jog at an easy pace.
Rest day: No workout.
Run-walk: Run at an easy pace, and walk when you need to catch your breath.
Speed Workout: Run a short distance fast, recover, then repeat. This type of training increases your quickness and endurance.
Strength training: Do 1 or 2 sets of a resistance move for every major muscle group. (Find a plan here.)
Stride: Run fast (not quite a sprint) for a short distance. 
Tempo workout: Run at a steady, moderately hard intensity for the entire session. It increases the amount of time you can spend moving fast.

  • Mark Your Calendars!
  • Friday, April 20th at 4:20pm.
  • 5/10k run/walk starting at the Recreation Center.
  • Prizes will be awarded for the top male and female runners in each of the divisions for both the 5/10k.
  • To register visit: http://umaine.edu/aod/healthy-high-5k-10k/.

Workout compliments of Shape Magazine