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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

Valentine’s Day, or should I say Single Awareness Day, is right around the corner which means lots of couple’s pictures everywhere. And while that may sound terrible for us single ladies, it doesn’t have to be.

This V-Day, instead of sitting on your couch feeling miserable about yourself while scrolling through couple’s pictures on Instagram, treat/pamper yourself. You are important!! Go catch a movie with the girls or if you want to go alone that is fine as well. Go get dinner, eat ice cream, get a mani/pedi, buy something nice for yourself, you deserve it! OR if you are on a tight budget like most of us colleges students, just take sometime to unwind and watch your favorite show or movie. Love has many forms, with self love being one of the most important ones.

This Valentine’s Day call your parents, your sibling(s), your friend(s) and tell them you love them. I can guarantee you that it will make their day and yours.

Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be about romantic love and spending it by yourself does not mean you are forever alone. Love yourself and the people around you. Happiness comes from within :)

Also lots of discounted chocolate on the 15th

Happy Valentine’s Day to all my single ladies! You are awesome and loved!! 


Photos: 1, 2

Mariza Budri

U Maine '19

Mariza is a senior at the University of Maine, majoring in Business Management and minoring in Legal Studies. In her free time she loves to hangout with friends, volunteer at the Women's Resource Center, eat PB chocolate bowls at Nest and binge watch Netflix! 
Mary is a fourth year Ecology and Environmental Science major at the University of Maine, with a concentration in sustainability. Mary loves to read, spend time with her Alpha Phi sisters, cuddle with her cat, and drink coffee. She hopes to save the environment and adopt alllll the kitties.