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#NEDAwareness at UMaine

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

Eating disorders and mental health in general are issues that continue to be swept under the rug. As members of Active Minds, we try to shed light on the issues people are too nervous to acknowledge. Eating Disorder Awareness Week is meant to remind people that everyone is fighting their own battle, and you may not even know a person is sick. Be kind. Remind people that they’re good enough as they are. Encourage healthy relationships with mind and body. And love yourself and others for who they are. 

One of my favorite bible verses comes from Psalm 139:14. “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”

All of us are wonderfully made, and should treat ourselves accordingly. 

Active Minds is an organization at UMaine that is hoping to #EndTheStigma surrounding mental health issues. Check out their Facebook page for more information regarding how they are spreading the word during #NEDAwareness Week.


Tonight, Feb. 25, Active Minds is tabling at the New Balance Student Recreation Center. Make sure to stop by!

Hannah began her involvement with Her Campus as a contributing writer for the UMaine chapter after transferring from Seton Hall University in 2013. Currently, she is the HC UMaine Campus Correspondent and a Chapter Advisor. She is also a staff writer at the University of Maine's student newspaper, The Maine Campus. As a fourth year Journalism student with an English minor, Hannah enjoys writing everything from hard news stories to GIF-filled listicles. In addition to her involvement with Her Campus, Hannah coaches a junior varsity high school cheerleading team. In her spare time, you can find Hannah sharing hair tips on her personal blog, obsessing over Justin Bieber and re-watching episodes of Gossip Girl.