Finals came up quick after Thanksgiving break and it’s time to get in gear and finish the semester strong! Finals week can be a very stressful time from juggling multiple exams on one day, endless 10-page papers, and tiring group projects. It is important to stay organized and reduce your stress next week, so check out these study tips to make your life a little easier.
1. Have a Strategy
There is so much going on during finals week, organization is key to keeping yourself on track. It is important to know when your exams are and the amount of work you will need to put into each test. Make to-do list on what you need to review and when you should review them. This will keep you accountable to yourself and help manage your time effectively. Divide your big study items into small tasks. For example, instead of staying “Study Chapter 9” say, “Write down vocabulary words for Chapter 9” or “Review Quizlet study cards for Chapter 9”.
2. Write in Different Colored Pens
By this time in the year, we are tired of the same old pencil notes. Get some fun colored pens or highlighters to make all of your notes interesting to look at. You can incorporate colored writing in your notes through definitions, subtitles of your notes, important information you will need for your final, or formulas. This will also pull out content in your notes that are necessary for your final.
3. Take Breaks
It is important to still give yourself some self-care during finals week, as we can be too wrapped up in our finals and our stress. Taking breaks can help improve your concentration and help keep motivation levels high. Keep yourself accountable during these study breaks, don’t start binge watching Netlfix or leave your work for hours on end. Take a walk around Fogler, do some stretches, or grab a quick lunch. When you are on your study breaks or not studying, try and relax! Don’t think about your workload or how stressed you are!
4. Find your Perfect Study Spot
Your bed should only be used for three things: sleep, sex, and sickness. If you study in your bed, you are going to want to sleep or do something other than study. Try studying in a focused environment like the nest, the library, or at the alumni hall! Dress comfortable, if you are going to be sitting for a long period of time you want to feel cozy!
5. Stay Positive
Remember that you are doing the best that you can do! It is easy to get overwhelmed with your work! Keeping a positive mindset will keep you focused and believing in yourself will help ace your exams! If you tell yourself you’re going to fail, then it can affect the way you are taking your exam!
Photos within article captured by author: Taylor Dube
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