There’s no doubt that taking the perfect photo is a struggle. There’s a lot of things that matter: good lighting, choosing the right filter, making sure everyone looks good and a nice background. Here’s a list of things almost every girl has said a least once (or maybe thousands of times) when taking photos.
“Omg, can we take another one?”
“Ew, please delete that!”
“Let’s do a funny one.”
“Should I Insta it?”
“Can you edit this for me?”
“What should I do as the caption?”
“I’m putting this on my vsco!”
“Pleassseee delete that.”
“_____, will you take photos of us?”
“Omg you look cute, but I look gross.”
“Ew why didn’t anyone tell me I look ugly?”
“I want to get my good side.”
“Take it from this angle.”
“What filter should I use?”
“I hope he sees this picture.”
“This lighting sucks.”
“Let’s go over there, the lighting is better.”
“Will you take a photo of just me now?”
“OMG, this lighting is perfect.”
“Ugh, can we switch?”
“Ew, no flash!”
“Let’s do one for Snapchat.”
“Send that to me.”
“Will you take them on my phone?”
“Should I post this?”
We know we have all said these before while taking photos before a girl’s night out. Happy Instagramming, collegiates!