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‘Tis the Season: To Keep That “Tailfeather” Toned

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

Are you ready to go home and be with your family for Thanksgiving break, but you don’t want to come back to Orono with extra baggage? The holidays can be very stressful, but it is still important to take care of yourself. So, its time for another at home workout routine to keep your bod in shape even after turkey dinner!

Step one: Side Bridge with Abduction-

  1. Lie on your side with your elbow directly beneath your shoulder and legs stacked.
  2. Engage abs and lift your hips off the floor until you’re balancing on your forearm.
  3. Lift your top leg at least 6 inches Lower and repeat.
  4. Complete 10 reps, then repeat on your other side!
  5. Repeat! (2 sets total)

Step two: Wraparound Ankle Touch-

  1. Stand with your legs together and bend your right knee 90 degrees.
  2. As you squat, reach your right arm across your body and try to touch the outside of your left foot with your fingertips
  3. Keep your back as straight as possible while reaching.
  4. Press back up to start. Complete 10 reps, then repeat on your right leg.
  5. Repeat! (2 sets total)

Step Three: Double-Stop Pushup-

  1. Get in pushup position.
  2. Keeping your neck in line with your spine, lower yourself halfway and hold for 1 second
  3. Continue lowering until your chest is only a couple of inches from the floor
  4. Pause, then push back up to the halfway point and pause again before finally pressing back up to start. Complete 10 reps.
  5. Repeat! (2 sets total)

Step Four: Pushup Position Bird Dog-

  1. Stay in pushup position
  2. Engage your abs as you extend your right arm and left leg
  3. Lower them both, but not your torso.
  4. Lifting your left arm and right leg
  5. Continue alternating until you’ve completed 10 reps on each side.
  6. Repeat! (2 sets total)

Step Five: Windshield Wiper-

  1. Bend your knees and lift your legs until your thighs are above your hips
  2. Press your palms into the floor and lower your legs to the left
  3. Go as far as possible while keeping your right shoulder glued to the floor
  4. Then bring your legs back to center.
  5. Next, lower them to the right.
  6. Alternate until you’ve completed 10 reps on each side.
  7. Repeat! (2 sets total)


Step Six: Supine Row-

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and arms at your sides
  2. Pinch your shoulder blades together as you dig your elbows into the mat and lift your head and torso a few inches off the floor
  3. Lower and repeat 10 times.
  4. Repeat! (2 sets total)

Whitney & Jess’s Thanksgiving day tip:After everyone around the table has finished digesting, suggest going on a long walk. This is a great way to get in a little exercise and get in some quality family time at the same time!
Workout compliments of womenshealthmag.com