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4 Things I’ve Learned About Growing Up From My Little Cousins

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

People always talk about how much they learned about growing up from their older siblings and cousins. And while I learned a lot from my older relatives, I’ve learned a lot from my younger ones, as well. Let’s not leave the little ones out! Here are a few things I’ve learned about growing up from my younger cousins.

You’re Never Too Old to Indulge Your Imagination

As we grow up, we use our imagination much less. When playing with my little cousins, I realize that’s not something I have to give up. Playing games and using creative energy is not only fun, but it’s fulfilling. Our imagination might take a different form as we get older. That imagination can be used to journal, draw, paint, write, or really whatever makes you feel creatively fulfilled. Whatever it is, don’t let your imagination slip away as you grow up.

Don’t Just Listen, Try and Understand Where Someone is Coming From

Kids get upset a lot. That’s a given. But listening to what has made them upset versus actually understanding why they are upset is very different. Actually understanding why one of my little cousins is upset, even if it’s something small like they couldn’t find their favorite toy, has taught me a lot about patience and empathy.

Playing Dress Up is Always Fun

Whether it’s playing princesses with your little cousins, putting on your favorite outfit to go out with your friends, or even finding the perfect Halloween costume, getting dressed up is always fun. Don’t knock it!

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People Remember Less About What You Said and More About How You Made Them Feel

Some of my little cousins now can’t even remember my name at times (they’re still little, so I can let it slide), but when I attend a family party, they are so excited to see me again. I always thought that was strange: how can they forget my name and still be excited to see me? After putting it into perspective from my own experience as a kid, I understood it. Think about when you were a kid and you got to see your favorite relative. You probably didn’t remember everything they ever said to you when you were little, but rather how they made you feel when they were around. They probably played with you, talked to you, and just paid attention to you. This taught me a lot about bringing a positive energy with me wherever I go.

Every time I see my little cousins, I learn more from them as I see them develop their own personalities. I’m so lucky to see them grow up and become their own people. They’ve taught me so much in their short time here so far, and I can’t wait to see what else they can teach me in this life.

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Victoria Dodd

U Mass Amherst '22

Victoria is a student at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst with a major in communication. When she's not writing, you can find her listening to music, watching too many movies, or meditating. Victoria has a wide range of interests such as pop culture, film, music, history, politics, and health and wellness. You can follow her on instagram @flicksfromvic or @vic_dodd.