Springtime is finally here, even though it still feels like winter outside. In a few short weeks school will be over before we know it! A new season is always exciting because we have so much to look forward to. Winter is finally over and we can switch out our winter wardrobe to shorts, tank tops, and dresses. We can also look forward to enjoying the nice weather, sunshine, and all those blooming flowers around campus. Although the reasons could be countless for why springtime is so wonderful, here are the top five reasons to be stoked about spring!
1. The Weather
It seems like the snowstorms came every other day this year a.k.a., way too often. Walking to class was dreadful…you would either get blown away from an arctic breeze or tread through the snow like an Eskimo. Let’s be honest, nobody’s hair looks great in a snowstorm. The warm weather and sunshine is right around the corner. We can look forward to days spent at Puffer’s Pond and actually enjoying the walk to class instead of bracing yourself for the next blizzard of 2014.
2. The Clothes
Sun dresses, shorts, tank tops, pastels, and florals… spring is the perfect season to flaunt your girly side. I don’t know about you, but I’ve had enough of jeans and jackets. We can finally switch out those dark colors for some bright patterns and fun prints to welcome the season.Â
3. Explore the Outdoors
What can be better than hanging with your friends outside on a perfectly sunny spring day? There are so many great places to hike around UMass and even better weather for a nice run outside. We can finally leave our dorm rooms and relax and have fun in the great outdoors.
4. More Time in the Day
The days during fall and winter are just too short. It seems like we always need more than 24 hours in a day, so springtime makes us feel great knowing the days are just a little bit longer and a little bit brighter.
5. Flourishing Flowers
No matter what age we are, we will never get tired of watching the flowers and trees bloom. Every year it seems to get prettier than the previous year. New flowers means spring is finally here and we can look forward to summer being right around the corner! Walking to class is so much lovelier with all of the flourishing flowers and greenery. It definitely makes up for what felt like the longest winter ever.
Springtime just seems like an all around perfect time of the year. Everything is in bloom, we are finally able to enjoy the great outdoors, and we can all start living a bit more colorfully. Say bye bye to those long and frigid winter months because the sun is finally shining bright again. Happy spring Collegiettes!