As a college student. there’s a lot that you can and should accomplish between the time you wake up, whether in the morning or late afternoon, and the time you go to sleep. However, on a cloudy, rainy day it’s a lot easier to curl up in a warm blanket, hot chocolate, and a good movie.
In the mood for a classic movie with light-hearted comedy? The Sandlot (1993) is perfect for just about anyone. With Benny “The Jet” Rodriguez remaining every college girl’s first-ever crush, this movie continues to be hilarious no matter how old we get.
Now that we’re in college, it’s safe to say we can make fun of our old high school clique’s. Now it seems rather silly to only associate with those who seem just like ourselves. Molly Ringwald shines brightly in The Breakfast Club (1985) and touches upon this issue and many more while still remaining humorous. It’s safe to say this movie will remain a classic for years to come.
If you’re looking for a gushy, heart-throbbing love story that is guaranteed to make you cry, look no further than Titanic (1997). Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate Winslet star in this beautiful, yet heartbreaking, film. Young Dicaprio manages to do this while stealing girl’s hearts everywhere. Make sure you grab a box of tissues before starting!
It’s nearly impossible not to laugh while watching She’s The Man (2006) starring Amanda Bynes. Bynes along with costar Channing Tatum can bring a smile to anyone’s face with this romantic comedy. Remember ladies: Always chew like you have a secret!
Any Harry Potter movie is ideal for a rainy day. Whether it’s the first few movies when Harry, played by Daniel Radcliffe, and his gang are young or the later movies as they mature. These movies give the audience a little bit of everything. There’s a well balanced mix of action, humor, and even a love story towards the end. Hogwarts is the perfect place to relax on a day spent inside.
If you’re a fan of action movies, The Town (2010) starring Ben Affleck is the movie for you. For those of us from, or near, Boston, Affleck’s character and accent show what someone would sound like in Charlestown. For those who are not totally familiar with Boston, this movie balances a great deal of action along with a group of Boston criminals who, as most Bostonians, don’t mess around.