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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

How many times have you heard that college would be the best years of your life? Now, don’t get me wrong, I agree with that statement for the most part. Spending time with friends, getting to sleep in when your classes start late, and weekend festivities are great. However, they forgot to inform us about one major aspect of college life: there will be breakdowns. Big, small, or somewhere in the middle, we are all guaranteed to have at least one a semester.

Here is a list of the typical breakdowns that most of us experience:

1. The “Initial Transition” Breakdown

This breakdown usually occurs pretty early on in freshman year. You’re new to the college life, which is both scary and exciting. Leaving a life behind that you have always known and starting a new one somewhere else is not a simple task. You will most likely ask yourself, “What am I doing?” (Or something along those lines.) You may miss your friends or family, you may feel lonely, or you may just feel downright overwhelmed.

The Solution: The first thing to try and remind yourself always is that you are not alone. No matter how far away friends and family may feel, they are only a phone call or text message away. You are also surrounded by thousands of people who feel the exact same way you are feeling. Go out and make new friends, keep yourself busy, and remind yourself that beginnings are usually the hardest part. Change is difficult to adjust to, but it will happen much quicker than you actually expect.

2. The “I’m Drowning in Work” Breakdown

I don’t think there is a single human being who hasn’t experienced this stressor. The first time this happens is usually around the time when Gen Eds no longer fill your schedule, and life just doesn’t seem as easy as it was a semester ago. Suddenly you have two tests, a paper, and five required readings to do…and it’s only the third week of school.

The Solution: We all know the usual guidelines–study in advance, don’t procrastinate, get enough sleep, keep yourself organized, etc. However, we all know that in the real world that is not always possible. The best advice is to try to motivate yourself in whatever way you can and to remember that it will be over soon. Put on your favorite song and eat your favorite kind of cookie to remind yourself of the better things in life.

3. The “Major” Breakdown

When I say “major,” I’m not referring to the size– however it could arguably be one of the biggest and most stressful decision in college. Choosing a major is quite a challenge because it’s connected to another dreadful question, “What do you want to do when you grow up?” Nothing about this decision process is easy, and often we question if we made the right choice.

The Solution: Try and explore your options as much as you can in the beginning years of college. It is difficult to get a sense of a major without actually taking classes; doing so will give you a little bit of an insight. Also, don’t be afraid to change your major if you find you are unhappy. Talk to an advisor, more than likely, it’s not too late. Last, but not least, choose something that you think you will find most interesting. Whatever you choose will be a very large portion of your life for at least three years, and the more you like what you do, the easier it will be.

4. The “I’m Sick and Dying” Breakdown

Not many things are worse than feeling genuinely ill and having to take care of yourself. Making your own appointments, making your own soup, staying on top of your medicine, all while the only thing you want to do is stay in bed and sleep. I have called my mom crying over sickness more times than I would like to admit. It’s okay, we all do it.

The Solution: Well, this is just one of the unfortunate truths of growing up. Sometimes even just talking to a parent or someone on the phone helps. Put on your favorite movie and hope for a fast recovery.

5. The “I Have Nothing To Wear Tonight” Breakdown

I don’t know if this is actually considered a breakdown, but definitely a dilemma nonetheless. Every girl has sat in a towel after getting out of the shower, stared at her closet, convinced that she hates all of her clothes and has nothing to wear. This is usually followed by trying on at least three outfits, hating them all, and just leaving a mess to clean up later.

The Solution: Ask a friend if you can raid their closet. One of the greatest perks of college and living close to your best friends is that it’s almost like you have multiple closets at all times.

6. The “Graduation is Near” Breakdown

This, in my opinion, is the worst and most terrifying of them all. Worrying about job applications, how your resume looks, what career path you’d like to pursue, where you’d like to look for jobs, and still needing to pass your classes is a lot to have on your plate at once.

The Solution: I unfortunately have yet to figure out a solution for this breakdown. However, I have learned that trying to stay positive and keeping as calm as possible is the better way to go rather than having a full on breakdown.


College certainly has its fair share of ups and downs, but it doesn’t last long, so soak it all up while you can. In the end, the breakdowns, the struggles, and the lessons only make us stronger. The best thing after any breakdown is to get right back up, and as the saying goes, just keep on keeping on. 


Photos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst