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6 Tips and Tricks to Help Conquer Spring Cleaning

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Now that spring is officially here, it’s time for the dreaded post-winter clean up. Don’t get me wrong, I’m obsessed with organizing, but sometimes the situation can be overwhelming. Whether you’re overwhelmed, don’t know where to start, or somewhere in between, here are some tips and tricks to help make your spring cleaning a success!

1. Make your bed

This may seem silly, but I’ve found that the best way to set yourself up for success is to first make your bed. This makes you feel like you’ve already accomplished something (even if it is small) and it gives you extra work space to use for sorting, folding laundry, or organizing.

2. Set up bags

Somehow, I always end up finding lots of trash and recyclables when I clean. I’ve learned that before I start, I need to set up a system of bags. Usually a big trash bag, followed by some paper bags to recycle plastics and paper in, and a plastic shopping bag to put any additional plastic shopping bags in. Having your removal system organized before you even start cleaning saves a lot of time from having to stop and set things up once you’ve already started, which totally kills your momentum!

3. Break it into categories

If I have no idea where to start, I make a mental list of all the areas that need work and then pick one to start with. Usually, I start by throwing away trash or recycling water bottles I might find, followed by putting any dirty laundry in the hamper and anything that needs to be folding and put away on my bed.

4. Take breaks

Don’t wear yourself out too early on. Set a timer and take some small breaks to grab a snack or scroll through Facebook to keep yourself from going crazy. But if you’re on a roll, skip a break or two and keep that productive streak up!

5. Listen to music

Crank up your favorite playlist to help the time fly by and make the experience a little more enjoyable. I stick with the more upbeat songs to keep my energy levels up.

6. Purge

Have a huge pile of stuff that you don’t know what to do with? It’s probably time to let it go. One of the tips given by Marie Kondo in her #1 NYT best-selling book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing” is to hold each item for six seconds. If the item doesn’t bring you joy in those six seconds, it’s time to pass it along to someone else or throw it away. It sounds a little strange, I know, but trust me… it works.

Before you know it, you’ll have a beautiful and clean room. So Collegiettes, what are your favorite spring cleaning tips?


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Jill Kuzeja

U Mass Amherst

UMass senior, equestrian, and lover of all things Disney.
Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst