College academics can be stressful for many reasons. The workload is most likely greater than that of high school, and despite having the apparent “freedom” of leaving home, most people are still trapped by the many requirements and Gen Eds necessary to graduate. In general, students must complete classes in math, biological and physical sciences, writing, and multiple humanities courses on top of the requirements for their specific college and major. With all these looming responsibilities, it can be difficult to justify taking a class just because it sounds interesting. But even though it may be difficult, here’s why you should do it at least once:
1. You most likely won’t have this opportunity again.
Although you can always go back to school, completing college courses when you’re young and don’t yet have formal adult responsibilities is the easiest course of action.
2. College is about exploring your passions, and that Women and Gender Studies class might just turn into your new major or minor.
You never know what subjects will interest you until you try them.Â
3. You can’t know if you like something until you’ve really been exposed to it.
Who knows, you might just find your passion taking a gamble with an interesting class.Â
4. Taking a class that isn’t required has a different feel to it—you feel like you’re doing work for yourself, not others.
Taking Gen Eds can feel like a job at times, but electives are different because you chose to spend your time working on them.Â
5. You’re paying for a degree, so you might as well get the most out of what your university offers.
You’re at an amazing educational institution, don’t hesitate to make the most of it.
6. It will give you faith in learning again.
Being bogged down by requirements can give us a sour view of what learning really is. If you need a refresher to revive your faith in academics as a whole, take something that actually sounds fun.Â
7. You can’t just listen to what your counselor, family, or college says you should be doing.
Making your own decisions and following what you enjoy is an important part of growing up. Take advantage of this time and go for it!