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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

If you walk into my off-campus house, chances are you’ll see my roommates and I sitting on the couch watching the newest episode of the Bachelor, screaming as if we are watching the Super Bowl when our favorite contestant gets sent home.

Going into the last semester of my senior year is bittersweet. I’m so excited and proud of the person I’ve become these last four years, but I’m not ready to leave! I absolutely adore being here at UMass and all the amazing people I have met, specifically my wonderful roommates. I cannot imagine that I will no longer live with them in just a few short months. Living with people is not easy, and finding the right people to share your space with is important. I’ve been living off-campus since my junior year, and even though everyone has their own room, we still spend a lot of time together. I’m so lucky to have been living with my best friends for over a year, and I don’t want it to end! I’ve been reminiscing about all the fun things I’ve done with my roommates and wanted to write it down and share it with everyone.

One of my favorite things to do with my roommates is watching The Bachelor every Monday night. We snuggle up on the couch with our favorite pajamas and snacks to see the drama unfold. We take turns placing our bets on who’s going to get sent home and gossip during commercial breaks about who we like and don’t like on the show. We always spend this time together, off our phones and not focusing our attention on anything else. It’s a fun bonding experience, and we count down the days until the next episode comes out. Last year, before the finale, we even made bets on who would get the final rose and turned it into a game on our whiteboard to see who would win. This time spent together is so important to me, and I love it so much. When The Bachelor isn’t airing, we still love to relax and watch movies or new shows together. 

I know this may sound crazy, but I even love cleaning with my roommates. Every Sunday, we blast music and run around the house, each doing our assigned chore for the week. We light all the candles in the house and talk about our plans while doing the ultimate Sunday reset. I love spending time together, and it ends with our house looking amazing for the week. I cannot imagine cleaning without them… boring! It just makes a daunting task that I never want to do turn into something I look forward to doing. 

Another thing my roommates and I love doing together is hosting! We will find any excuse to decorate the house and draw silly things on our whiteboard. Ranging from Friendsgiving to Super Bowl parties, we always volunteer to have people over. This year, we had an elaborate Friendsgiving where we all made our favorite Thanksgiving meals and decorated our house with seasonal decorations. Likewise, we always offer to host pregames where we all become super competitive playing our favorite games before walking to the bars. Recently, we’ve become obsessed with playing beer ball and have started a championship bracket to find out who the best team is (Spoiler Alert: it’s not me).

I am so lucky to have found these amazing girls who make every day feel like a sleepover. I’m so emotional writing this, imagining how hard it will be for me to move out in May. I love all the memories I have made with them, and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us!

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Emma Larivee

U Mass Amherst '24

Emma is a Senior Communication major and Business minor at UMass, with an interest in Social Media Marketing. In her free time, she loves spending time with her family, her two dogs, Mac and Daisy, and reading. She also loves to listen to music, specifically Harry Styles, the Jonas Brothers and Taylor Swift.