The COVID-19 pandemic has instilled a new normal all across the world. People are urged to be more cautious, wear masks when in public, and avoid large gatherings and crowds. The pandemic has also brought increased challenges in education. Students are trying to navigate remote learning, while also dealing with difficult course work and instruction.
On top of the academics, the social scene of college has also changed. There are no spectators at athletic events, no tailgates, no on-campus interactions, no dining hall buzz, and no heartwarming feeling when you see a friend while walking to class.
For my roommates and I, we are using this time to get ahead on our studies while still trying to make it one of the best semesters yet.
I am currently living in a house with my four best friends. In-between navigating online lectures, Zoom meetings, assignments, and staying healthy, we have found a few ways to keep our spirits up. In order to not sink into a funk of constant schoolwork, overloaded stress, or burnout from constantly being with the same few people, we’ve decided it is important to make relaxation and entertainment a priority.
Here are a few things my roommates and I have decided to incorporate regularly into our routines to make sure we are still cutting out time for ourselves, our well-being, and most importantly, our mental health.
1. Cooking Dinner Together
One of our favorite things to do is to cook dinner all together. There is something so fun about turning on old acoustic tunes, prepping in the kitchen, and then sitting down as a group to have dinner.
Some of our go-to meals are taco’s (on Tuesday of course), chicken parmesan, chicken Caesar salad, and quesadillas. Super easy, but still so satisfying!
2. Going on Study Dates
I briefly touched upon the fact that five girls “stuck” in one house all day long can become a bit repetitive and, as you could imagine, distracting. The best thing I like to do is grab a friend and head into town. Usually, we will grab a coffee or tea, sit outside, and catch up with each other while getting ahead on our homework.
I also enjoy sitting and studying in town by myself as well. It provides a nice change of pace, a moment of clarity, and, of course, some much-needed alone time.
Being forced to do all of your homework, assignments, and exams at the same little bedroom desk can start to feel boring. It is also much easier to get sidetracked when you are in your own home because remote learning takes away the aspect of a school or classroom setting.
Changing up the scenery has helped me to stay motivated and keep me on task with my studying and assignments. I highly recommend getting out of the house and finding a nice spot in town to open up your books.
3. Diving Into New Series
As a house, we decided to watch The Handmaid’s Tale series on Hulu. Every day, we look forward to winding down in our living room, turning on the television, and binging a few episodes. It is a great way to clear your mind, unwind, and relax before bed.
A television series, a warm cup of tea, and your best friends…What could possibly beat that?
We are also looking forward to the return of The Bachelorette, which is premiering on ABC on October 13. We can’t wait to see what Season 16 has to offer!
4. Walking
What is better than going for a nice, long walk while the weather is still nice? A walk with friends! Not only are you getting exercise and fresh air, but you get to chat with your friends and, again, get a change of scenery from your bedroom or the living room.
Some of our favorite places to walk are uptown, to local coffee shops, or even finding a scenic place where we can go on a hike.
5. Exercising
Exercising with a friend or a group of friends brings the workout to a whole new level. Whether it is a simple walk or a virtually recorded barre class, there is something about burning calories while laughing with your friends that makes the time fly by.
Currently, my roommates and I are hooked on Kick It By Eliza. This is a cardio-kickboxing workout, where creator and founder, Eliza Shirazi, and her team host virtual workouts. For someone who does not enjoy running, it provides not only an effective cardio workout but also a fun one. I highly recommend it for anyone who is looking to get into working out, or just looking to try different things!
6. Coffee Runs
If there’s one thing that all of my roommates and I have in common, it is our love for coffee. We have made it a weekend ritual to go out on Saturday mornings and grab a nice cold brew. Although it isn’t the best thing for our bank accounts, the memories we make while we are jamming to music in the car, striking up conversations, and revisiting our experiences from the night before are priceless. Even though it is just a quick coffee run, we are able to get out of the house, break up the day, and simply enjoy each other’s company.
These small coffee trips have truly become something we look forward to at the end of each week.
With the semester about halfway over, I hope some of these ideas can be helpful in order to relax from the demand of some courses, create a bond with your roommates, or even just to help with a way to stay busy, despite all of the craziness!
Remote learning, a closed campus, and a pandemic are obviously going to be an adjustment, but hopefully, one that you can still make the most out of.
If I could leave you off with just one tip on how to balance roommates, a pandemic, and remote learning, it would be to find the little things that make you genuinely happy and run with them!
For me, it’s as simple as a perfectly made coffee and some fresh air.