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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Bangs always seem to be in style. Whether they are blunt, fringe, asymetrical, or sidebangs, a celebrity is rocking them and I want to give them a try! .

When I was in elementary school I loved the Disney Channel. I enjoyed watching Even Stevens, That’s so Raven, but especially Lizzie McGuire. I absolutely loved this show! Lizzie was an average girl who was very relatable. Of course as a second grader I idolized Lizzie who played a middle schooler, so I had to copy her.

I begged my mom to let me get straight across bangs at my hair appointment. I didn’t want the blunt bangs I had as a preschoooler, but the more stringy fringe type that Hilary Duff wore so well. Luckily my mom said no way. She told me that my face was too round. At the time I took this as a huge insult, but it was accidentally a blessing in disguise. They would NOT have suited me…

My next phase was the LC. Yes, the LC as in Lauren Conrad.

In middle school I was over the Disney Channel and moved onto bigger and better things: MTV. I loved the show “Laguna Beach” and especially LC. She was the “nice girl” and I admired her for that. I also admired her bangs.

This time when I went to my hair appointment (alone) and I confidentally asked for side bangs. Of course they didn’t turn out the way I wanted. Just my luck! My hairdresser cut them too short and I sobbed the whole way home. When I woke up the next morning I seemed to remember a key factor about my hair; it was wavy. This meant my bangs didnt dry perfectly straight, but in all different directions. Every day I had to flat iron them to keep them straight, and while doing this I slowly but surely fried my hair to a crisp. The days I didn’t have access to a flat iron were embarrassing ones. When I think back, this is how I taught myself to french braid because I needed those wavy pieces of hair out of my face.

After growing out my bangs, cutting them, and growing them out again I am finally bangless. I have to admit, when I was watching Laguna Beach reruns I did have the urge to chop them off again. I think bangs are great, but I just haven’t found ones that suit me yet.

When picking out bangs for yourself there are many factors you have to think about. What is my face shape? What type of hair do I have? How long do I want to spend daily doing my hair? Take some time researching face shapes to see what suits you the best! Also don’t be afraid to ask your stylist! It is her specialty and she will know what will look good on you.

Don’t be afraid to change up your look, Collegiettes!

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Emma Crowley

U Mass Amherst

Emma Crowley is a Junior at UMass Amherst. She enjoys frozen yogurt, fashion blogs, the smell of fresh cut grass, and endlessly stalking One Direction 
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