This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.
Name: Jill Kuzeja
Age: 21
Year: Senior
Major: Sociology
Minor: IT Minor and Criminal Justice Certificate
Occupation: Head Content Editor at Her Campus UMass Amherst
HC: So, congratulations are in order! You were recently named Head Content Editor for HC UMass. Can you tell us what that role entails?
JK: Thank you! I’m so excited. As Head Content Editor, I do the same job as the other Content Editors in the sense that I complete the first read on a handful of articles throughout the week. What sets me apart is that I also am in charge of doing the second reads, normally completed by the Editor in Chief, a couple of nights a week! I’m also someone that the other editors and members can come to with questions, especially if Catie, the EIC, is busy.
HC: What is your favorite thing about Her Campus?
JK: I love everything about HC! The girls are great; it’s been so much fun getting to know more people who have similar interests. And I really love how much it’s improved my writing and editing. I’m so happy I’ve been able to not only have the creative release but also sharpen my skills in the process.
HC: What would your absolute dream job be?
JK: Ha – this is perfectly timed. I wish I knew! I think I’m headed towards Human Resources, but part of me wishes I could do something with editing. My interests are so diverse that I could see myself going in so many directions: something with horses, event planning, LinkedIn writing (dead serious, I’m obsessed). I could see myself working with college seniors on the job application process, writing resumes, cover letters , etc. because I love all that stuff. So who knows, you’ll have to wait and see.
HC: If you could change one thing about your time at UMass what would it be?
JK: I think I would make it so that I didn’t hate my freshman experience. I didn’t fall in love with UMass until sophomore year, when I was finally in a good dorm and found friends that I loved. I wish that could’ve happened my freshman year, but I guess I probably had to dislike UMass in order to appreciate it as fully as I do now .
HC: If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life, what would it be?
JK: That’s a tough one! I’m a big movie person…but I would probably have to go with Pride and Prejudice (the Keira Knightly version). It’s just a classic and one of my all-time favorites, I don’t think it ever gets old.
HC: And finally, if you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be?
JK: All of Europe (does that count?). I don’t think I could pick just one place! I haven’t left the continent before, so I have a lot of exploring I would love to do. My top picks would have to be London, Paris, and Venice, along with so many more .
All photos courtesy of Jill KuzejaÂ