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Campus Cutie: Shaelyn McGrory

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Name: Shaelyn McGrory

Age: 20

Year: Junior

Hometown: Reading, MA

Major: Theater

Minor: Education

Relationship Status: Single

Involved in at UMass: I work in the John Adams Service Desk

Hobbies: Playing guitar, biking, being lazy, watching movies, and snuggling

Favorite superhero and why: Batman obviously.  I don’t think I need an explanation of why he’s badass.

Best trait: My bubbly personality

Describe your ideal date: A damn good concert

Guilty pleasure: MUSIC. I’ll listen to anything and everything.  If you see me on campus with headphones in…I’m in another world.

#1 Thing on UMass bucket list: Find my way to the roof of the library in the Sam the Minuteman costume

Celebrity crush: Edward Norton

Biggest turn on/ turn off: No shave November? It should be no shave ever because I’m a sucker for a beard

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Benjamin Bosco

U Mass Amherst

Ben Bosco: writer, musician, compendium of useless knowledge. If you don't expect too much from me, you might not be let down.
Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst