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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Name: Trevor Berry

Age: 21

Year: Junior

Hometown: Pembroke, MA

Major: Electrical Engineering

Job on campus: TA for Intro to Engineering Courses

Sign: Pisces 

Relationship Status: Single

HC UMass: Other than classes what do you do around campus?TB: “With engineering I am pretty busy, but usually with the free time that I have, I try to play and write as much music as I can. I am also in the University Recital Choir, and if I can, I go to the Open-Mic night at the Black Sheep Cafe in town on Thursdays, I always love to do that!”

HC UMass: What instruments do you play?TB: “My main instrument is the guitar, but I also play the saxaphone.”

HC UMass: So other than your lovely voice, what would you say is your best trait?TB: “Ah, *Laughs* I actually really like my hair, as vain as that sounds! Personality wise, l’d say the fact that I try to be as sincere as possible. I don’t try to put on disguises for other people or anything. Sincerity is important, it is something I really value about myself. To me, I would rather fill my life with sincere experiences, like hiking, traveling, and spending time with good friends.”

HC UMass: I’ve been wanting to ask, what do you do to your hair?TB: “Honestly not a thing! I actually got into a heated argument with this guy who asked me where I got my hair  done. I was like
 ‘Well, what do you mean?’ And so he asked about where I got my highlights done. I told him that I didn’t do anything to my hair and that it was just from the sun!  He didn’t believe me and gave me his card to get my roots touched up!” *Laughs*


HC UMass: And what are some of your plans for the future?TB: “When I chose electrical engineering, I was mostly interested in working with sustainable energy. I know now though that I definitely don’t want to work in a cubicle or anything for the rest of my life. I would lose my mind! So whatever I do, it has to be field work related, but hopefully something that pertains to my degree. After I graduate though, I don’t want to immediately enter the workforce, I’d love to travel, and hike the Appalachian Trail (that is from GA all the way up to the middle of ME). That is one of my biggest goals right now.”

HC UMass: Where would you like to travel next?  TB: “The place that I would love to see the most is New Zealand!”

HC UMass: So, on a diffferent note, what are some things that you look for in a girl?TB: “I like overlaps in personality and interests. Sincerity is also something I really appreciate.”

HC UMass: And what would your ideal date look like?TB: “We would have to get up early in the morning and go for a daytime hike. We would spend the day outside, and then go to the North End of Boston to have a great meal. After dinner, we would go home and have a nice campfire. I love love good food, so it could also just be a whole day of eating too!”

HC UMass: What are some things that are unique about you?TB: “I just want to go through this life without thinking ‘Aw! I wish I’d done that!’ so I try to experience everything I can. I have Crohn’s Disease, and, yeah, it sucks a lot, last year especially. People call it the invisible disease because you never really know what the affected person is going through. Last year, it got really bad when I just transferred here. I got surgery in December though, so since then it has been way better. So other than that *Laughs* I make turquoise jewelry, I brew my own beer, and I make brown bread. I just cook a lot in general. I also surf, and in the summer I enjoy spearfishing!”

HC UMass: What is your biggest fear at this point in your life?TB: “At this point, it would probably be surviving school. *Laughs* Because I have already gone 4 years, and I am a year behind because I transferred, and now I may have to add a year because of my courses, which are just really terribly and notoriously hard. I always have a voice nagging at me saying ‘C’mon man go live your life and travel and just drop out!’ But then I realize that I have people like my parents who have supported me so much on the way, and that finishing my education wouldn’t just be for myself, but for them too.”

HC UMass: What is the #1 thing on your bucket-list?TB: “Skydiving… even though that is pretty generic. But it just seems too awesome!”

Photos courtesy of Jess Sterner

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Patricia Camerota

U Mass Amherst

Patricia is a Sophomore Communications Major at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Patricia has a strong passion for writing, eating, painting, and playing with her dog. She wishes to pursue a career in Public Relations.
Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst