Feeling a little down on your workout routine? Need something to get you off the couch and back in the game? It’s time to get your craft on, Collegiettes! Here are some fun, motivational crafts, to help you get up and go.
Weight Loss Jars: Also Known as “The Move a Marble Game”
Take two jars or cans and label one “Pounds to Go” and the other “Pounds Lost.” Next, set a goal. Drop as many marbles in the “Pounds To Go” jar as you want to lose. Move a marble every time you lose a pound. Watch that jar empty.
This fitness fanatic even labeled their cute inspiration.
Decorate a Fitness Log
Logging your progress and exercise routine is a great way to stay organized and on top of your workout. Go out and find a journal to decorate. Cover it with inspirational sayings, write goals on dates that haven’t arrived yet, and compile winning recipes. Personally, I like my fitness log to be small enough to tote around with me at the gym.
Crochet a Yoga-Mat Carrier
Okay, Yogis. You know wrestling for a mat at the Rec Center can be tough. But if you had a fun and cute way of carrying your own mat from home—why wouldn’t you? Here is an awesome pattern for an efficient way to bring your mat (and keep your chi) with you to the gym.
Set Up a Leader Board
It’s time to set goals and have them right in your face every day. Take a couple cheap, plain, cork boards and decorate them with your goals, your workout calendars, or even a reward system. A little friendly competition never hurt, either. Get your roomies or a friend on the board.
Set some goals, get creative, and stay motivated, Collegiettes!