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friends girls hike sunset mountains adventure silhouette
Melody Ozdyck / Her Campus

Fun Spring Activities to Heal Your Inner Child

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

The stress of finals is getting to everyone. During such a stressful time, keeping your mental health in check is very important. A great way to stay calm during this time is to do fun activities with your friends. If you and your friends are a little bored of just watching a movie, it’s time to switch things up and go outside! Below are some great examples of easy, cheap activities to do this spring and summer to reconnect with your inner child!

Anna Schultz-Friends On Hike
Anna Schultz / Her Campus

Just play outside!

I know it sounds childish, but trust me, there is no better feeling than just hanging outside with your girlfriends. Recently, my friends and I went to Target and bought a box of chalk for around 5 dollars. They’ve lasted us a while, too! Playing with chalk is so nostalgic. My friends and I wrote out our names and stated where we were from. This is especially calming after a long day of classes. Bubbles are also so fun and cheap. Grab a speaker and your friends and go outside. You could even color outside if none of those are calling your name! Okay, so this is nothing new — however — coloring books are super calming and fun. One coloring book also will last forever. It’s such a great way to unwind as well. All you need is some crayons or colored pencils, put on some music, and get ready to relax!

Go for a nature walk

If you go to school in the suburbs or a rural area, you probably know the feeling of being bored on campus. Something I’ve found to be a great escape is going hiking. It’s not just a physical activity, it’s a way to reconnect with nature. Research some nearby trails, grab your water bottle, and wear a cute athletic outfit! When my friends and I did this, weĀ alsoĀ took cute digital photos and stopped for breakfast! The zoo is also great for walking around on a hot spring day. The zoo always reminds me of being a kid. Spending the day with your friends in the hot sun watching all the animals is so much fun.Ā 

Play some outdoor games

There are many fun outdoor games to play in the spring and summer. Spike ball, dodgeball, kickball, and corn hole are all great games that only require a little money or equipment. Volleyball is also a great way to spend a day at the beach when you get sick of tanning or swimming. You could even go mini golfing! Mini golfing is a blast no matter where you are, but it’s a requirement if you’re at the beach. Also, you have to keep score; I don’t make the rules. It’s even more fun if you add a prize for the winner. Grab your friends and have a ball (wink wink)!

Take care of your mental health during finals, as they can be very stressful. Don’t forget to have fun this spring and summer, and try some fun activities!! Remember to take pictures of your adventures, too!

Katherine Schaffer

U Mass Amherst '27

Katherine Schaffer is a sophomore Political Science and Journalism major at UMass Amherst. She is originally from Southern New Jersey and spends her summers at the Jersey shore. Her interests include politics, fashion, beauty, musical theater, and Philly sports!