I was walking to the first Her Campus meeting of the semester, minding my own business with my headphones in and sunglasses on. Passing the Student Union, I almost didn’t realize the guy standing with his group of friends was talking to me. I took an earbud out and asked him what he said.
“I’m liking the skirt!” Was I embarrassed? Of course. Was I annoyed? Hell yes. But what was I feeling more than anything else? Pissed off.
His words stuck with me throughout the meeting, even throughout dinner. I wanted nothing more than to go back into my dorm room and change after that. But then I stopped myself—Why? Why was I the one feeling bad? A gray maxi skirt was nothing to be ashamed of. It wasn’t my skirt that was the problem, it was the catcall.
So I decided to make a cheat sheet for catcalling, to let you guys know just what we think.
Catcalling WON’T make you cooler:
It’s just like jumping off of a bridge. It’s just not a good idea all around.
Your words ARE NOT compliments:
If anything, they only make us want to hide.
It makes you look DESPERATE:
Which (let’s be honest) if you’re catcalling for attention, you probably are.
Really? You’re just going to yell at me about how I look instead of actually initiating a conversation? NEXT.
Why would you even want to in the first place?
Really, though. Why?!
It’s not your right. It’s not a “boy thing”. It’s a “creep thing”.
Seriously. No jokes here.
So, gentlemen. The next time you decide to catcall, I have one very important piece of advice for you…DON’T.
Can you relate, Collegiettes?
All images found on Google.