Summer is just around the corner and we all know what that means…. Beach beach beach! But then you look down at your tummy and you’re like…
Time to initiate operation get in shape for summer.
Get it girl!
At the beginning of the week eating right and working out is easy as pie…
No biggie.
Until Friday rolls around and you’re craving carbs, sweets, and anything fattening…
Fight it!
You’re able to stop yourself from indulging, but when the weekend drinking starts you’re like…
I just want to eat everything!
The Drunchies kick in and you can’t stop yourself…
And it’s oh so satisfying…
Worth it!
But then you wake up the next morning and you’re like…
You vow to start over and do better…
I will succeed!
And if you stay true to your goals you will succeed!
Getting into shape for summer is always of concern this time of year, but remember Collegiettes, you are all beautiful just the way you are!