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Go, Go, Go!: The Importance of Finding a Balance in Our Busy Lives

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

In a world in which we are constantly on the run, learning, studying, and working, all while striving to be the best version of ourselves, finding a balance can be very difficult. For the majority of my life, I have always strived to be perfect. I took on too many responsibilities, more than I knew I would be able to handle because I thought that was what I needed to do in order to be successful. I overburdened myself to achieve my aspirations. While challenging yourself and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is important, it should not take away from your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. You can only function well and go about your daily life if you are well-rested, happy, and healthy. 

During my high school years, I overworked myself by taking several AP classes, participating in various extracurricular activities, and volunteering outside of school. I only took part in some of these activities because my ultimate goal was to get into a good college. However, I was not happy or satisfied, instead, I was exhausted and drained. I would find myself staying up really late at night and not having enough energy the next day. My perspective regarding this completely changed during the pandemic. I realized that taking care of yourself and relaxing is just as important, if not more important than any other work you have to do and any other responsibilities you have to take care of. After all, if you are not a healthy, whole individual, then you will not be able to do anything else to the best of your ability.

Taking some time for yourself each and every single day can make a huge difference in the long run. And this will look different for every person. You can watch a TV show or movie, you can eat your favorite dessert, or you can go out and do something fun with your friends. Whatever it may be, devoting time to taking care of yourself and your body’s needs is crucial in order to live a happy life. Yes, it is important to get things done and to take care of your responsibilities, but doing so should not take away from your personal fulfillment and enjoyment. 

Over time, I have developed some strategies and techniques that help me find a balance in my life. I sometimes tend to skip breakfast in the morning if I don’t have enough time to eat something. Now, I make it a priority to eat breakfast in the morning because that will help you fuel the rest of your day. If I really don’t have enough time, I take something small with me so that I can eat it on the go.

I take multiple breaks throughout the day — no one can continuously jump from one task to another without taking adequate breaks. These don’t have to be long, these are just small breaks to help you recharge and decompress a bit. I also set a bedtime of midnight on weekdays. Even if I still have work to do and things to get done at night, I try to call it a night by midnight. We all need our sleep, and without it, we won’t be able to properly function the next day. Finding strategies and techniques that work for you will take some time. It involves trying out different things and seeing what works for you and what doesn’t work for you. 

Devoting more time to your overall prosperity will help you feel more content with your life. Prioritizing different aspects of your life based on what is best for your mental well-being is important because all that matters, in the long run, is that you are happy and doing things that make you happy. So, do yourselves a favor and make sure you are taking care of yourself! Nothing in life is more important than you!

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Sravani Kaza

U Mass Amherst '24