For those finishing their undergrad right now a lot of emotions might be happening. I would know, I am in the same boat. Graduating in less than two months while constantly being asked by every adult and friend in my life about my plans after college ends is stressful. To be fair I am asking the same of all my friends to see how much more put together they are. I got lucky in the sense I am going to grad school, but still, finishing undergrad and having most of my friends part ways is a huge burden for me right now. Here are some of the good, the bad, and the reality of graduating that everyone feels. You are not alone!
The Good:
I am jealous of those who get to be done with classes and grades, get to jump into the adult world, and do what they are interested in. I doubt anyone is going to miss the late-night cramming sessions to finish that paper or have to sit in those tiny chairs and take a two-hour exam worth 40% of their grade. Overall, it is just exciting to be taking that next step in your life. I mean that is why we are all in college, to get a degree to pursue a career we enjoy. After graduation, there is also so much freedom. You are not restricted to where you can go or where you can work. The world is your oyster!
The Bad:
While that is all good, it is natural to feel overwhelmed and pressured. While everyone is asking where you are going and what job you have lined up, it is a lot of stress as you wait to hear back from jobs or from higher ed programs. It is even worse when you feel as if you are about to start the job you are going to do forever. While this is not true for everyone and many people change jobs or move up in companies or even go on to their own business, it is really daunting to think of your “official” life as an adult starting.
The Reality:
While it is easy to think that everyone else has a plan set in stone and they are prepared for the next step, we are all going through the same emotions. Everyone is scared to leave the friends and the home we made at school. It is also comforting to know that everyone has done it! Think of any adult in your life and at one point they left school (maybe not college) and started working in the real world. It is so easy to think that others had it together when you don’t, but it is honestly a big game of fake it until you make it. Everyone is worried about their future, even those that have jobs right now, and that’s the fun of it all. If you knew every step of your life, you would get bored. Graduating and being able to create this new path for yourself is a huge step but it is one that gets you through the door into more freedom.
While there are so many emotions to feel, being anxious and excited at once is probably where most of us are at. Graduating is a huge achievement that needs to be celebrated, and we are prepared for the next steps no matter where it brings us. I know talking to those around me helps so much so I hope reading this could calm your nerves and makes you a bit more ready to take that leap!
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