We all have it – the end of the semester blues. There comes a time right around the last week of classes where you mentally check out and consider the semester to be over. Reality hits a couple days later when finals are looming and all the work you have hits you smack in the face! So, in addition to coping with your stress and practicing relaxation techniques, be sure to eat some of these foods that will release endorphins and hopefully give you a little more hope as well as a touch more of happiness!
Dark Chocolate. Go ahead! Indulge in your guilty pleasure because now you finally have an excuse! Dark chocolate has a temporary stimulating effect that lifts your mood. Due to its sugar content it triggers serotonin, a feel-good neurotransmitter, and releases endorphins. Don’t hesitate, scarf down a piece while studying! You’ve earned it.
Walnuts: Feeling down? Grab a handful of walnuts and that feeling will quickly disappear. Walnuts contain high content of omega-3 fatty acids, and you don’t need to be scared by the word “fatty.” Omega-3 nutrients are essential to your health, so they are part of the “good fat” category. Walnuts are filling and satisfying – they’re sure to give you the little push you need!
Spinach: So, I can already predict your immediate reaction…gross! I know all you want is to binge on some high calorie snacks, and spinach is the last thing you want to turn to when you’re feeling stressed. However, spinach will have you feeling elated and keep you healthy. You won’t feel guilty the next morning after eating this super food! Spinach is rich in foliate which helps you maintain normal levels of serotonin.
Salmon: This healthy fish is also packed with Omega- 3’s, which help you avoid mood swings and fight depression, while also being a healthy alternative to red meat!
Avocado: I must say, this fruit has been growing on me! Dash a little lemon juice and olive oil on a slice, along with a pinch of salt and pepper to transform this seemingly lackluster fruit into a delicious and healthy snack. Avocado is loaded with serotonin and is also does wonders for your hair, skin and nails!
Green Tea: Unlike coffee, green tea is known for its calming effects and soothing aroma. It is rich in theanine, an antioxidant which relieves stress, and will in turn will boost your mood.
Berries: Blueberries, strawberries and raspberries are downright delicious when fresh and juicy. They are filled with anthocyanidins and anthocyanins, which are nutrients that prevent stress and depression.
There you have it, Collegiettes™! Don’t let exams get the best of you. Fight back by doing what we do best…spoiling yourself with mouth-watering snacks! Not only will eating these foods keep you happy in the midst of all the stress, but also will prevent mood swings and depression in the long run. Happy Eating (literally)!