Honestly, I give some pretty big props to guys. Traditionally who is the one to make the first move? Guys! This is great for us girls; this takes some of the pressure off of us!
But what happens when we are “talking” to a guy and they are taking FOREVER to make the first move! Or, all semester you have flirty conversations with the cutie in your chem lab but nothing ever happens. It is so frustrating! What do we have to do, put a sign on our head that says ASK ME OUT!?
Growing up in a childhood filled with princes and fairytales, we have to put the whole “Prince Charming” part into perspective. We are in college. The boy we like isn’t generally going to ask us out and take us on a magical date.
Maybe the guys we are interested in aren’t asking us out because they are shy. Remember collegiettes, not all boys are full of confidence and will ask a girl out right away. A lot of guys here are actually a little on the shy side. They are afraid of the same things we are; rejection, body image, and looks are on their mind too!
If you think you and a guy are clicking, but the pace is a little slow for you, don’t be afraid to make the first move! Yes call me crazy but hey, we are in the 21st century. Obviously you don’t have to ask him out on an official date and take him to a romantic spot down in Northampton. Drop him a few hints to let him know you’re interested!
Is he in your class? Is there a hottie in your bio class that you don’t know too well? Try to ask him something basic so you can introduce yourselves. For example, ask him if you could borrow his notes for the night if you missed a class. The “borrowing a piece of paper” also works too. Remember, you don’t have to play dumb and pretend that you don’t understand your calc problem. If you know the guy pretty well don’t be afraid to ask for his number! If you’re too nervous, make it related to school. Text him to double check on the time of the review session and maybe a conversation will start flowing. Know him really well? Ask him if he wants to grab lunch at Berk after your afternoon class!
If he is still being shy or becomes awkward around you when you act flirty maybe you read the situation wrong. Maybe he has a girlfriend (nothing wrong with a little FB creeping to find out), or maybe he simply just isn’t interested. Don’t become too overbearing because you could lose the opportunity for a great friendship. Nothing ventured nothing gained girls!
Just remember, with a school of over 21,000 undergrads, there has to be someone out there for you. Whether he comes up to you at a party, or you ask him out on a study date, he’s out there!
Good luck Collegiettes!