We all know that registering for an 8 a.m. is a risky decision. Coming in as a freshman, an 8 a.m. seemed harmless compared to the normal highschool start time; however, sleep becomes a lot more valuable. These types of classes are very tempting to skip and sleep through, especially since your parents are no longer there to force you to go. Although having an 8 a.m. class has a very negative stigma, it allows you to get a jump start to the day and become more productive. Here are five tips to help make your 8 a.m. class less dreadful.Â
1. Pack your school bag the night before.
Instead of leaving your homework scattered all over your desk to be organized early in the morning, take a second to think about what you will need in your bag for the next day. Being able to just grab your bag and run out the door will save you time and sleep in the morning. Also, some individuals have a tendency to forget things that early in the morning, therefore, this will reassure you that you have everything you need!
2. Lay out a comfy outfit to quickly change intoÂ
If you struggle from a bad case of bed head, or dressing like you rolled out of bed, you can pick out a cute and comfortable outfit out the night before. You will feel (and look) more put together. This will help wake you up and give you a fresh start in the early morning. Avoid adding the additional stress of deciding what to wear in the early morning by having it all ready to wear.Â
3. Set your alarm clock earlier.Â
Snooze, after snooze, after snooze. If you are one of these people, who finds themselves clicking the snooze button repeatedly, it may help to set the alarm five minutes earlier so you have the satisfaction of hitting snooze before the actual alarm goes off. Also, this can prevent you from missing your class if you oversleep. Also, find a good alarm sound that will actually wake you up rather than ignoring it and sleeping through it.Â
4. Make your bed.
Such a simple yet ignored task is making your bed once you wake up. It is a great way to start your day and it will get you on the right foot. Additionally, knowing that your bed is made will set a better and more productive mood for the day. The extra couple minutes it takes to straighten up your sheets and pillows will make all the difference in your morning, along with the rest of the day!Â
5. Turn on the lights.
When the sun is still rising, dorm rooms have a tendency to be dark early in the morning. When you wake up in a dark and comfy room, you are more tempted to ignore your alarm and go right back to bed. By turning on a few lights, it will help wake you up and get you out of bed. If you try to fall back asleep, it will be harder with the bright lights in your room. Â