Regardless of their plots, Disney movies consistently tell tales of love. Whether it’s love between couples, friends, or family, the recurring emphasis on the significance of love is exactly why these movies are so heartfelt. What’s more, the Disney princesses inadvertently taught us lessons when we were kids that are still relevant to our lives as Collegiettes.
Snow White helps us understand the imperfect nature of love. No one is happy all the time; they can also be things like sleepy, bashful, dopey, or grumpy! Despite the fact that they won’t always be 100% cheery, you still love them and want them in your life.
“Remember, you’re the one who can fill the world with sunshine.” –Snow White
Cinderella teaches us that love is patient and kind. If you truly believe in that, unexpected opportunities are to come!
“Have courage and be kind. Where there is kindness there is goodness, and where there is goodness there is magic.” –Cinderella
Aurora shows us that love can be better than a dream. Someone’s there for you and has your back when you’re in need. What could be better?
“I know you… I walked with you once upon a dream.” –Aurora
Ariel helps us realize that love is accepting. No matter how strange or different you think you are, you are unique because of it and someone will come along that’ll want to be a part of your world.
“What makes someone special? I suppose it all depends. It’s what’s unique in each of us.” –Ariel
Belle teaches us that love is finding beauty in even the least suspecting things, like a beast. If you take the time to understand someone, you can help bring out their inner beauty.
“I love you.” –Belle to Beast
Jasmine shows us that love is a thrilling, beautiful place. If you feel a connection with someone, give them a chance. They can take you to a whole new world.
“That’s where we’ll be, a wondrous place both for you and me.” –Jasmine
We learn from Tiana that love is supporting one another’s dreams. We all need encouragement and company as we pursue our dreams, someone to believe in us when the road gets rocky.
“My dream wouldn’t be complete without you in it” –Tiana
Rapunzel teaches us that love is taking a chance. If you feel like you want to be tangled up with someone, take a chance: they might light up your world like nobody else.
“Something brought you here. Fate. Destiny.” –Rapunzel
Merida demonstrates that love is not always understood, but there should be an openness to understand. Communication is key; don’t be afraid to say how you feel, because someone that loves you will try to understand. Be brave.
“Do you ever bother to ask what I want? No! You walk around telling me what to do, what not to do! Trying to make me be like you! Well, I’m not going to be like you!” –Merida
Elsa shows that love is not allowing your past mistakes to freeze your heart. Fear is consuming and can make you do things you didn’t intend to do, so just let it go.
“The past is in the past. Let it go.” –Elsa
Anna teaches us that love is not giving up on someone. People have reasons for their actions, and oftentimes it’s worth at least hearing them out (but if they did something for reasons you don’t tolerate then they absolutely do not have to be a part of your life.)
“No! Why? Why do you shut me out? Why do you shut the world out? What are you so afraid of?” –Anna
All of the princesses teach us that love has unexpected moments filled with good times and bad times, but ultimately, love always wins. Love is the happily ever after.