By now you’ve probably heard the terms “Law of Attraction” and “manifestation.” From TikTok to Pinterest to even in the classroom, the Law of Attraction has been gaining traction for months now and has become a popular way of thinking for many people. But what exactly is the Law of Attraction and what are some simple techniques beginners can use to incorporate it in their everyday lives?
The basic definition of the Law of Attraction is that it’s the belief that positive or negative thoughts (or manifestations) are magnets for bringing those thoughts into existence. So say you wanted to manifest (bring into your life) good grades. Though there are many different techniques you could use, the most basic would be to already think you have good grades. Thinking positively that you’ll get good grades will magnetize that positive energy into your life, allowing you to attain that goal. Conversely, if you get down on yourself and think you’ll get horrible grades, you’re allowing that negative energy into your life, hindering your ability to get the grades you want. This energy, is the basic premise of the Law of Attraction. Keeping your thought cycles positive allows positive energy into your life and helps you reach your goals.
Now that you’ve learned a bit about what the Law of Attraction is, let’s talk about how you can start practicing it. Don’t worry, I know it may seem intimidating, but there are lots of super simple ways to use it! My personal favorite technique is using a Law of Attraction board. For those of you that have Pinterest, it’s basically an IRL Pinterest board for your dream life. All you need to make one is a corkboard, pushpins, and some cut-out photos of your dream life, whether that be a dream house, pet, vacation, job, or anything in between. Then just pin these photos to your board, and boom! Law of Attraction board: complete! You can put yours anywhere. Mine is above my desk in order to keep the positivity flowing when I’m working (AKA drowning in homework).
The point of this board is to solidify what your life is going to look like. The use of “is” brings me into another favorite technique of mine: acting as if (starts at around minute 7 of the video). If it’s your dream to be a freelance writer, for example, act like it is already your job. Dress for the job and speak in the present tense when talking about your job (saying “I am a freelance writer” rather than “I want to be a freelance writer”). This method of “acting as if” is another way of putting positive energy out into the universe. Your present is simply a reflection of your past energies, so putting the energy out that you already have your goal accomplished, in this case your dream job of being a freelance writer, helps to eventually make that goal your present, and therefore a reality. Of course there are many other techniques you could use, these are just a few basic ones that I’ve come to love.
One final important note before I send you off on your manifesting journey is that the Law of Attraction works best when you’re actively working towards your goals. Don’t just sit around and manifest, but use the techniques I taught you, or any others that may speak to you, to further advance the progress you’re already making on your goals. So go out and find your favorite technique(s), make sure to keep your thoughts positive, and happy manifesting!