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A Quick Home Workout For The Collegiette Shut-In

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

As it starts getting colder, your motivation to get to the gym may start to dwindle. I don’t blame you. Here’s a quick circuit for all you Collegiettes who can’t seem to get out of your PJs for an early-morning gym session. Don’t have gym equipment? No problem. This workout only uses things you could find around your dorm or apartment.


Interval 1: 30 Seconds- Cardio.




Reach up, then put your hands down on the ground. Hop your feet back into plank, and then back in. Be sure to squeeze that core! Finish with a jump. For a challenge, add a push-up (or even two).


Interval 2: 30 Seconds- Legs



Step your right foot out into a lunge, keeping your knee over your ankle. Pulse into a deeper lunge, and then back up. For extra resistance, hold a couple of those old Micro-Bio text books you’ll never look at again. Spend 15 seconds on each leg.


Interval 3: 30 Seconds- Triceps

Stair Dips


Go to your closest stair case, and plant your feet on the ground with your back facing the stairs. Sit on the second or third step (whichever you can reach while comfortably keeping your feet feet on the ground), and point your fingers towards your toes. Lift your body up, and then bring it down pointing your elbows straight back. Then, return to the starting position. Do as many as you can before thirty seconds are up!


Interval 4: 30 Seconds- Inner thigh

Sumo Squat


Place your feet shoulder width apart. Point your toes away from your shoulders, and bend your knees. Be sure to keep your weight in your heel. Hold this position for thirty seconds. Add text books for extra weight and resistance


Rest: 25 seconds

Repeat the circuit 3 times.


Happy Workout, Collegiettes!


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Annie Gravens

U Mass Amherst

Adelle is an English major at UMass Amherst. She's the co-captain of the UMass Colorguard, and a fitness fanatic.
Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst