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Wellness > Health

Self-Care When You’ve Caught the Campus Cold

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

So, you’re in college and you’ve caught what everyone on campus seems to have at the same time: a cold. You’re stuck on campus feeling miserable and kind of helpless. Here are some tips to help you battle your illness like a champ! 

1. Stock up on the essentials

When that sore throat of yours has escalated into a cough-and-sneezefest, you don’t want to be caught without the necessities! Having a drawer or box in your dorm full of tissues, cough drops, over-the-counter cold medicine, and Emergen-C® will serve you well. You don’t want to be caught unprepared when it’s the middle of the night or for when your head hurts too much to leave your bed.

2. Cleanliness is key

Wash your hands often! This seemingly simple rule that has been drilled into your head since childhood is more important than ever when you are sick. It is a key cold-prevention tactic that will keep unwanted germs away from your mouth and eyes. In addition to your hands, your bed linens need a good washing as well. The less germs that stick in the room, the better. You definitely don’t want to pass your sickness onto your roommate!

3. Nutrition, nutrition, nutrition

A body that is working with a good set of vitamins and regular, healthy meals is a body that is well-equipped to fight off a cold. UMass students need not worry too much about this tip since our dining halls are well known for providing food that is all too tempting! Leafy green vegetables and citrus fruits are your best bet for keeping your immune system strong.

4. Stay on top of your hydration game

Water should always be your friend, but it should be your absolute best friend when you’re sick. Consistent fluid intake will speed up the recovery process. Bring a water bottle with you everywhere and remember that hot water paired with honey and lemon is a classic trick to soothe sore, irritated throats.

5. Take a trip to the campus clinic

If you’re really feeling under the weather, visiting University Health Services might be your cure. I recommend only going if you’re in a lot of discomfort or if your cold has been persistent for a long period of time. The clinic waiting room is a petri dish of illnesses that could easily stack on top of your cold, so be careful. However, the pharmacy is a great place to stock up on cold remedies for a discounted price and it can be nice to ease your fears that your cold isn’t something worse!

6. To skip, or not to skip

Adequate rest is crucial to battling a cold. If getting some R&R means that you sleep through an 8AM, so be it. It can be really uncomfortable sitting through a class when all you can think about is launching a well-timed cough or getting up to blow your nose. Contact your classmates for notes and let your professors know if you’re too sick to make it to class. Chances are they’ll be understanding and thankful that you aren’t there to potentially get them sick as well!

In a college campus where people live in close quarters, getting sick at some point is almost inevitable. Knowing what to do when there’s no parent to tend to you and feed you soup is important! Take care of your academic and social life, but take care of your health above all!

Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Vera Gold

U Mass Amherst '23

Vera is a senior communication major at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She is the Facebook Coordinator of her chapter and loves writing about digital media, beauty, and entertainment.