There are some priceless things that you hear girls say as you’re venturing around our beloved UMass Amherst. Maybe you are guilty of a few, I know I am…
“I got ice cream at Berk like 6 times today…is that bad?”
“I don’t want to look slutty but I want to look hot.”
“Seriously you can’t pass out until we get $1 pizza slices!”
“I need to start my Halloween diet right now.”
“No I’m like obsessed with sweater weather.”
“Have you walked by the library today? It’s soooo windy.”
“But then I just went back to my room and watched 10 episodes of Grey’s.”
“Let’s go to Berk I want a wrap.”
“What’s up with all this construction?”
“Are you really going to the gym right now?”
“Berk is way better.”
“I don’t even pay attention in that class, I just go on Pinterest.”
“I know I look like a hobo right now but I really don’t care.”
“If I see one more couple holding hands on campus I’m gonna vomit.”
“The foliage is sooo pretty here.”
Hear any other gems that should be on this list? Tweet us @HerCampusUMass with #ShitUMassGirlsSay!