I spent this past weekend in New York City among the hub of hustle and bustle, the go go go. There’s something specifically energizing about this bustle, but it’s easy to get caught up in the bright lights and loud music. New York is an especially exaggerated example, but no matter where you live, it’s important to take the time to stop, breathe, and reflect.
I’m as guilty as anyone of constant planning, worrying, and overthinking. The fact of the matter is the only thing you can control is the present moment. Anything that happened in the past cannot be changed, and anything that could happen in the future is out of your control. I’ve found this mindset to be extremely helpful in calming my anxieties and allowing me to enjoy the present moment. After all, you’ll never be in this place or at this point in your life again. I’m not saying all of your moments will be good ones, but take it for what it is and move forward — one step at a time.
Anxiety about the past is something I’ve been struggling with lately. Did I come on too strong? Was there a better way to react? Do they think I’m rude? Mean? Annoying? Sound familiar? We ALL have these thoughts about ourselves — it’s a self-perpetuating circle of worry! Why do we do this to ourselves? One of the greatest lessons I try to remember is this: everyone is too busy worrying about themselves to worry about you. We all internalize these anxieties and analyze our every move with doubt. From now on, reflect on the situation and LET IT GO. We all make mistakes, you’re trying your best, and anyone who doesn’t accept that doesn’t deserve to be in your life. Each day is a new chance to do great things! You are your biggest critic, but don’t let that stop you.
There’s something so satisfying about planning out my week with color-coded pens. Call me crazy but I know I’m not the only one who does this. It’s important to plan ahead and organize your time, but it’s easy to turn your weekly planner into a massive freak-out about your five, ten, or fifteen year plan. Again, stop, breathe, and reflect. There is so much out of your control; it’s not worth planning too far into the future anyway! Your goals, friends, interests, and passions will CHANGE — and that’s okay. Focus on the amazing things you’re doing in the present moment, and the rest will follow.
I hope reading this article allowed you a moment to pause and consider which of these anxieties personally affects you. Remember: no matter what you’re feeling, you are not alone. We’re all guilty of getting caught up in the past or future, and focusing on the present takes constant reevaluation. Don’t be too hard on yourself either. You’re perfectly YOU and the life you’re meant to live is coming your way. Enjoy where you are now. Future you will look back and smile :)