Right around this point in the semester is when stress from midterms and papers starts piling up. Sometimes it may seem impossible to have time to do anything but attend classes, finish homework, study for exams and still manage clubs and jobs. The most important thing to remember is to make time for yourself and take care of your body. UMass provides the perfect place to both shake off stress and take care of your body at the recreation center. At the rec center there are a large variety of group fitness classes you can attend for no extra charge. The group fitness classes are run by certified fitness instructors and generally run for an hour per class.
If de-stressing from that busy schedule is a priority look to try a yoga class. Yoga provides an hour of meditation through a variety of poses. UMass offers a variety of yoga classes such as Vinyasa and Kripalu.
For a fun workout try taking a Zumba class. Zumba is one hour of dancing to moves inspired by merengue, salsa and more. This class is a great way to meet up with friends and step out of the normal comfort zone.
A harder workout that provides stellar legs is the Spinning class. These bike exercise classes have instructors that are so motivating it will be hard to remember there was ever stress during the day.
One of the most popular classes at the rec center is the Cardio Kickboxing class. This class combines punching and kicking into the workout routine. Between adding the punching and kicking and the music this class is perfect for feeling like a brand new person.
These classes are a fun way to exercise and step out of your normal comfort zone and try something new!  The schedule of classes is both on the UMass recreation center website under the wellness section as well as on the UMass Campus Recreation Facebook page. Be sure to get to the classes that require cards early, as they are popular!
Have fun and take time for yourself, Collegiettes!