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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

TedXUMassAmherst is Back!

Check out their awesome promo video here.

Who are they?

TEDxUMassAmherst is a student-run, student-orginized, and completely independently funded student group on campus. TedX seeks to connect students with some of the greatest and most succesful people in the world. Jason Wang, senior Biology major and President of TEDxUMassAmherst, believes that “This connection influences, inspires, and impacts students at UMass in a unique, powerful and positive way.

They do this by hosting awesome events throughout the year! TEDxUMassAmherst typically hosts 2-3 events every school year. For example, last year their main event brought in 9 world class speakers and over 450 attendees. Their speakers included Amy Chua and Jed Rubenfeld – the Tiger Mom and her husband, Kaitlin Roig – a Sandy Hook elementary school teacher who saved the lives of 15 school children, and Derrick Gordon – a UMass Basketball player and first NCAA D1 basketball player to come out.

Wang explains that his favorite talk thus far was Amy and Jed’s talk about the “triple package.”

“It explains why some cultural groups, such as Asians and Jews, have been so successful,” Wang says. “It turns out, it’s not because their culture or background are inherently ‘better’ than other groups,’ but rather that their history and patterns of immigration have caused them to possess three crucial traits that lead to success – the Triple Package. Traits that can be acquired by any group of people.” Amy and Jed’s talk can be found here.

What is TEDxUMassAmherst up to now?

TEDxUMassAmherst will be holding a student showcase on Thursday Nov. 20th in Mahar at 7pm. The showcase will include a comedy and acapella group and several student speakers! If you’re interested in the chance to give your own TEDx talk, or simply have an awesome idea you want to share email them at TEDxUMassAmherst@gmail.com. 

To stay up to date with their group, check out their Facebook!

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Lexi Sheldon

U Mass Amherst '16

Lexi is Associate, Integrated Marketing at Her Campus Media. She graduated from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst in May 2016 where she studied Journalism and Communication. Prior to joining the national team, Lexi was a contributor and social media editor for the Her Campus chapter at UMass Amherst. Her Digital Marketing internship at Elle Magazine inspired her to pursue a career in marketing. In her free time Lexi enjoys catching up on her favorite fashion blogs, running, reading and planning her next adventure. 
Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst