As the semester seems to get busier with attending classes, working, being involved in organizations, completing more homework, reading and exams, sometimes it is hard to be able to stay healthy for the week. The good news is that there are “superfoods” out there that provide many nutrients and will help with things such as mood improvement and the prevention of illnesses.
1. Blueberries
Blueberries are known for having lots of antioxidants, nutrients, and anti-inflammatory properties.
2. Avocado
Avocados are high in healthy fats which may lower inflammation. They also contain lots of fiber and protein.
3. Tea (Green or Black)
Tea has lots of antioxidants and has been shown to provide many health benefits to individuals.
4. Kale
Kale is rich in fiber, iron, calcium, vitamins, and is a powerful anti-inflammatory food. Try snacking on kale chips rather than other salty snacks as kale is increasingly becoming known for being a superfood.
5. Beans
Beans have lots of protein and may lower the risk of many diseases.
6. Oats
Oats are known for having lots of fiber, which is great for boosting metabolism.
7. Quinoa
Quinoa is full of protein, which is perfect for individuals that are vegetarian or vegan and it will help fight off hunger.
8. Yogurt
Yogurt contains many active cultures that can help prevent infections.
9. Apples
“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” is the saying that always comes to mind with apples. While apples may not necessarily keep the doctor away, apples contain lots of antioxidants and may prevent illnesses from occurring.
10. Salmon
Salmon is known for having omega-3, which can lower cholesterol, reduce depression, and is a lean source of protein.
Adapted from WebMd, Self and