I think we have all fallen into the Pinterest trap at one point or another. We spend hour upon hour stalking each category, scrolling to find the next best pin. It’s addicting, and if you’re looking for a way to ruin your GPA, Pinterest is the way to go. I love Pinterest, and yet, I always seem to find myself a little down after these pinning binges. Between pinning the cutest outfits, the prettiest makeup looks, and the fanciest bedroom designs, I begin to ask… “why?” Why don’t I have all of this stuff? Why don’t I look like that? We begin hoping, wanting, wishing that our lives worked out as neatly as our perfect Pinterest boards.
I feel like it is easy for girls to fall into this mental trap. We have to realize that we pin stuff. This stuff doesn’t define who we are. Having the perfect wardrobe doesn’t showcase our worth; having the ideal bedroom scheme doesn’t shed light on our morals. Should I hate my life if my future house doesn’t turn out to be an exact replica of my “Dream Home” board? Of course not! Pinterest is a place to be inspired, not a place to dwell in self-hate.
And let’s be honest, the things that we pin aren’t always realistic: I can’t afford all of the designer clothes and purses on my “Style” board, my crazy curls will never succumb to the impeccable hair styles on my “Beauty” board, my “Ryan Gosling” board does not guarantee that I will marry him anytime soon, and I would probably be in better shape if I just got off the computer and actually did all of the exercises on my “Fitness” board instead of constantly pinning them.
We aren’t perfect, we never will be, and that’s okay. So go on and pin ’till your heart’s content, ladies. Just know that you are fine just the way you are.