December 13, 2013.
Beyoncé drops her secret album out of nowhere, complete with all new songs and music videos to accompany them. For Beyoncé lovers like myself, this was more than we could have dreamed of. We laughed, we cried, we loved, and we lost…. our social life for a few hours…. while we sat and watched and listened. Queen Bey did it again, girl.
The fact that she was on tour while producing a secret album isn’t the only thing that blew our minds (but seriously, is she human?). Beyoncé showed a whole other side to her on this album. Her personal life is rarely portrayed in the media, so this was something new. Some critics claimed that this new Beyoncé was too “sexual,” too “personal.” Of course, some songs showed a little peep into the bedroom of her and Jay (Partition, Rocket, etc.), but so what?! I, for one, happen to think that this new album was the best thing that’s ever happened to us mere mortals.
What’s so impressive is that Beyoncé showcased all different sides of herself on this album. She was a “gangster wife” but also a mother, a pissed off woman but a loving friend, a woman content with her life but also a jealous girlfriend. In her lyrics, she stated that “perfection is boring” and that we as women wake up flawless. We have nothing to change about ourselves, nothing to apologize for, because there is nothing wrong with us. It’s okay to feel different emotions and showcase different parts of your personality because, quite frankly, that’s what makes you, YOU! Stop trying to define yourself as one thing and allow yourself to be everything that you are.
I mean hey, it works for Bey.