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Why Living on Campus Has it’s Perks: UMass Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Like many others, I decided to move off campus my junior year. Even though living with my best friends, having my own room, and having the freedom to do (mostly) whatever I want has been great, sometimes I miss living in the dorms. Believe it or not, dorm life does have its benefits.

1. Proximity to campus

Yes, the trek from Southwest to Marcus to get to your 8:00AM calculus class may seem brutal, but having to take a bus there is worse. When winter hits, nothing is worse than waiting for the 31 to bring you to campus. Being able to roll out of bed and walk to class seems like a luxury. Also, when you live off campus, having a parking pass isn’t as great as it seems. If you get stuck with Lot 12, you need to be sure to leave 20 minutes earlier than you think you should because the walk to campus is LONG!

Besides being close to classes, living on campus also means you are close to places such as the gym and the football stadium. All the lucky students that live in Southwest can walk to McGuirk right from their dorm for the upcoming football games. I, on the other hand, will have to take a packed and sweaty bus to the stadium.

2. Dining Halls

As an off campus student on a budget, the first thing to go to save money was a meal plan (cue tears). The things I would do to be able to have Berk and Hamp right outside my window or have breakfast after an early class at Worcester. My daily chicken and rice is nothing compared to UMass’ award winning food. Even though many off campus students have an off campus meal plan, most of the wipes are used at Bluewall. Let me tell you, the lines at Bluewall at peak lunch time will makes the lines at Berk look like nothing. Also, how could I forget to mention Late Night. UMass takes pride in its healthy meal options, but Late Night is a way to treat yourself. Nothing is better than being able to take a break from studying, walk to Berk, and get a nice brownie sundae.

3. Surrounded by Students

Yes, living with hundreds of other people in close quarters can be annoying, especially when you’re trying to study. In contrast, living off campus can sometimes be a little lonely. In the dorms it’s nice to know you’re surrounded by lots of people just like you. This is especially nice for homework help or even just seeing familiar faces.

Also, it’s nice having your friends live down the hall or a building away. This makes it so much easier to always be together. If I live by Puffers Pond and my friend lives by Amherst College, it gets hard to see them with busy schedules. Once you move off campus, you learn who your real friends are (since to hang out with someone you actually have to make an effort). 

Living on campus is great, but so is living off campus. It really teaches you how to be independent and do things on your own. Whether its a house, apartment or on campus apartment-style housing, go for it if you have the chance, Collegiettes!


All images courtesy of www.giphy.com 

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Emma Crowley

U Mass Amherst

Emma Crowley is a Junior at UMass Amherst. She enjoys frozen yogurt, fashion blogs, the smell of fresh cut grass, and endlessly stalking One Direction 
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