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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

With finals season among us, it’s that time of year again when W.E.B. Dubois Library fills from bottom to top with students cramming for finals. Why does this always happen? Yes, the library is most likely a better option than studying in your bed (we’ve all done it), but is it really much better? At the end of the day, we know we still love Dubois, but here’s what makes it the absolute worst sometimes:

1. The location

The library is located in the heart of campus, which is great if you’re already there. However, it is super out of the way if you live off-campus. There’s no nearby parking lot unless you want to park outside of Goodell and risk getting towed by the infamous Ernie’s Towing.

2. The entrance 

For some reason, walking into the library is always super awkward– particularly when navigating through the revolving door. This addition was good in theory, but just ends up getting congested.

3. The heat 

No matter what time of year it is, it will always be a little too warm– especially on the upper levels. 

4. The lack of printers

The line for the computers and printers on the lower level tends to be unbearably long. Pro tip: Definitely don’t try to print right before class, because the outcome will not be successful.

5. The WiFi signal 

In the middle of a Moodle quiz? You can count on losing the WiFi signal mid-question.

6. The fire alarms

Why do they seem to go off in the library more than any other building on campus? Plus, it always seems to somehow happen when you’re on a high floor.

7. The constant construction

Not only is construction going on outside the library almost all the time, but also inside of it. 

8. The bathrooms

The bathrooms are located on random floors, and they are often full when you finally find one. This is on top of the annoying fact that you have to take all your stuff with you and then find a new place to study afterwards. 

What do you think, Collegiettes? Maybe we are just better off staying in our beds…



Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

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Emma Crowley

U Mass Amherst

Emma Crowley is a Junior at UMass Amherst. She enjoys frozen yogurt, fashion blogs, the smell of fresh cut grass, and endlessly stalking One Direction 
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