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Why You Should Join Her Campus, From a Graduating Senior

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

If you are a college student struggling to find your place on campus, this article is especially for you. As I wrap up my undergraduate college experience, I think back to how Her Campus has greatly impacted my relationships, my leadership capabilities, and my college experience as a whole. If you are reading this and are considering joining your campus’s Her Campus chapter, here are my reasons why you should submit that new member application.

You Will Meet the Most Incredible People

Do not be surprised when you meet the most creative and cool people at your Her Campus chapter. When I first joined my chapter at the beginning of my sophomore year, I was very shy and had a hard time meeting new people at meetings. I continued to show up to meetings and asked my campus correspondents how I could get more involved in the chapter. After a semester of writing articles and going to meetings, I found myself with new friends and new connections that made my college campus feel a little bit smaller. The more you put yourself out there, the more you get out of the experience! Don’t hold yourself back and try to meet as many people as you can.

Students at table
Photo by Brooke Cagle from Unsplash

Your Writing is Available for Everyone to Read

While Her Campus is not only about writing articles, this was one of the most exciting things for me to look forward to as a new member. For the first time in my life, my writing could be published under my name for all of my family, friends, and eager readers to see! When you write about something you are passionate about, there is nothing better than being able to share your work with everyone.

Woman journaling
Photo by Alexandra Fuller from Unsplash

Her Campus Gives You A Lot of Professional Experience

Do you have hopes of earning an internship one day? Regardless of whether or not you want to work in the media industry, Her Campus gives you so much professional experience. Every article that you publish helps to build your writing portfolio that recruiters can see when they search your name online. Your chapter may offer certain networking opportunities or professional development events. If you decide to apply for an E-Board position with your chapter, you are guaranteed to work on amazing projects that will help you gain experience that you can bring to an internship. Her Campus has been a huge talking point at every interview I’ve ever gone to!

A woman sitting at an office desk
Photo by Keren Levand from Unsplash

There are so many other reasons on why you should join Her Campus at your chapter, and if you’re interested, DM me on Instagram @ashleyguertin with your questions. As I look back on my college experience, I will always have Her Campus to thank for my close friendships and my leadership opportunities. If you’re on the fence, take a chance and join your Her Campus chapter. You never know what opportunities could be there for you!

Ashley Guertin

U Mass Amherst '21

Ashley is graduate of UMass Amherst, Class of 2021. After joining Her Campus during her sophomore year, Ashley quickly became involved in her chapter as a Content Editor and the Facebook Coordinator. She served as the chapter's Editor in Chief and Campus Correspondent during her senior year and owes Her Campus for giving her lifelong friends and endless opportunities. You can find Ashley writing about career development, her favorite trends, and her personal experiences that she hopes will help other Her Campus readers navigate their lives.