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Molly Peach-Bombay Beach
Molly Peach-Bombay Beach
Molly Peach / Her Campus


This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Boston chapter.

Growing up, I thought it was always a sad event letting something or someone go. I wished I could hold on to people and things forever. 

The older I got, I began to understand that not only does everything happen for a reason, but sometimes, this change that may feel unwanted at the time can end up being so beneficial. 

Recently, I experienced one of the hardest “let-go” moments of my life: I left my first job. For almost four years, I had poured my heart into that place, giving my time, energy, and effort to help in any way I could. I had grown attached to the routine, the faces, and the sense of familiarity. But I started to feel as if my efforts were no longer valued. I felt unappreciated, even after going above and beyond, and the situation left me feeling emotionally drained. But still, the thought of leaving was terrifying.

For weeks, I went back and forth, torn between what I knew deep down was the right decision and my fear of losing something so familiar. I had always found comfort in the predictability of my job, the routine. The idea of leaving that behind filled me with anxiety. But eventually, I made the decision to move on.

I know now that leaving was one of the best things I could have done for myself. To stay in a workplace where I felt I was given the tasks no one else wanted to do but shown little to no gratitude would have continued to make me miserable. 

It’s common for people to find themselves in these scenarios, whether it’s jobs, relationships, lifestyles, etc., that bring them unhappiness. We can become so accustomed to the familiar, to the routines we’ve built, that the idea of letting go of it can seem terrifying. But over time, I’ve realized that letting go of things that no longer serve us is not a sad thing but a form of self-care. We are not obligated to stay in situations that bring us more pain than growth. 

Although the sadness of letting go may wait around, I’ve learned how to deal with it without allowing it to consume me. I found it helpful to actively try to redirect my focus on the positives of the situation. Shifting my attention from what I lost to what I could gain has been empowering. It helps me remember that there’s a future filled with new possibilities, and by letting go of the past, I allow more room for the future. 

Kayla Alves

U Mass Boston '26

Kayla Alves is a junior at UMass Boston. She is a business management major with a concentration in marketing and international management with a minor in communications. She joined Her Campus Umass Boston Chapter because she has always had a love for reading and writing. More recently, she has joined the recruitment team as a co-director.