Social media has become a very influential part of our lives, and one of the latest trends is being the ‘it girl.’ What is an ‘It Girl,’ you may ask. According to Google,” An “It girl” is an attractive young woman who is perceived to have both sex appeal and a personality that is incredibly engaging.” Well, this isn’t going to be about that but about being more sociable, kinder, understanding, accepting, and confident. How do we achieve that?
How do we, in the most efficient way, have a schedule that is low maintenance but makes you look high maintenance?
We do that by going out in the sun and getting our daily dose of very-needed vitamin D, maybe on a walk, staying outdoors, and eating 30 grams of protein for breakfast. It intensely matters how we start our day, not by checking our phones first thing in the morning, but by receiving small amounts of dopamine through making the bed first thing in the morning, brushing, doing a morning skincare routine, and meditating. I used to struggle with controlling my emotions, and minor things would upset me, but since I started meditating with a bit of morning yoga, I have seen the calm that precedes me. Working out daily has helped better my mental health too. It also helps to have a schedule to clean up regularly. I have a schedule where I water my plants every Sunday, and every second week, I clean the bathroom. Doing this makes me feel like I am in control. I know it sounds like a lot, but it makes me feel more confident, makes me calm, and composed, and helps with using my time wisely.
It’s effortless: I make a to-do list, I wake up, make my bed, tidy up my room a little bit, stretch, do a little bit of yoga, meditate, journal, brush, do my morning skincare, all of this takes me an hour, then I go on a ‘hot girl’ walk, have a high protein smoothie, go to school, go to the gym, shower, eat a protein-rich dinner, do my night skincare, and at the end, I relax.
When I finish the first part of the morning, until the morning skincare part, I feel so productive that the rest seems easy. This gives me an outstanding balance between being productive and hanging out with my friends at the end of the day without worrying about coming home and having work to do. I used to scroll on my phone often, but since I have started doing this, I feel more aware of my surroundings and productively occupied.
The longer you push yourself to do something, the easier it gets. It was hard to follow this routine, but I have done it for over four months and never felt better. This allows me to keep up with all my homework, and this intense need to pursue this productivity comes from when I was in a dark place, not doing okay in school, and was addicted to scrolling. Now I can do most things before 7 pm and then chill without feeling guilty. You can do it too; you must choose your hard. Staying in bed, processing information at lightning speed through scrolling, constantly changing emotions, and then feeling exhausted and guilty is hard. It is also hard to follow a routine and be productive but feel rewarded at the end of the day. You choose your hard.
I am not saying you follow this exact routine to feel your best, but that you at least have a routine that makes you feel confident, lets you take a step back and analyze your emotions and situations, and respond to things better, something that makes you feel your best.
“It Girl.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 29 Nov. 2023,