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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Boston chapter.

Sundays have personally always been my favorite day of the week—it’s a day that feels like a soft reset button before the start of yet another busy week. Not every Sunday is perfect, but overtime, I’ve conjured up the perfect routine that blends relaxation and productivity in a way that leaves me feeling recharged and hopefully prepared for the upcoming week. It isn’t about cramming all of my to-do lists into a singular day, but instead creating a flow that makes me feel confident and grounded for the start of the week. Here is my ideal Sunday: 

Usually, I don’t set an alarm on Sundays, because I like to have the luxury of allowing my body to wake up whenever it can, and take my time getting up and out of bed. Once I am up, I like to make myself a homey breakfast —something simple, that doesn’t require a lot of work, but also will nourish my body, since breakfast is the most important meal of the day. My personal favorite is a piece of avocado toast with scrambled eggs, or some fruit with a bowl of yogurt and granola. I usually pair that with a refreshing glass of water, since I’m not the biggest coffee drinker. 

After breakfast, I like to do something active, whether it’s taking a small walk around my neighborhood or doing a few minutes of yoga on my bedroom floor. Doing this allows me to loosen up all the built up tension from the previous week and clear my mind. I’ve found that Sundays are the perfect time for me to do check-ins with myself — how I am feeling, any goals I want to set up for myself for the upcoming week, and even what I am grateful for. It seems like something so insignificant, but it’s a small ritual that makes all the difference in my world. 

Once I’ve had my slow start, I like to check a few things off my to-do list, that way I feel accomplished. Sundays aren’t for hard work, so I’ll do simple tasks like make my bed, fold and put away laundry, and wipe down any surfaces. It doesn’t take too long, and makes the biggest difference with my mood and the environment around me. This will also be the time where I start my planning for the week. I have found it really helpful to plan out everything in my planner — I write down when I have upcoming exams, assignments, meetings, work hours, and even social gatherings, this way everything going on in my life is in a singular spot. Here, I also set my personal goals. There is something satisfying about this, and it makes me feel accomplished before the week even begins. This also happens to be when I get any lingering assignments done for school, that way I have the rest of my Sunday to myself, and it’s not weighing over my shoulders. 

By the time the afternoon comes, I like to spend time doing the things I love. It might be curling up underneath my favorite blanket and watching a new movie or my latest sit-com, or if I am feeling ambitious and active, I’ll either go for a walk or take a trip to the gym. I do like to keep my body active, but I also find it important to listen to my body and what I want for that day — sometimes a day inside is all I can handle. And on the days where the weather is especially nice, I’ll meet up with a close friend and grab a bite — Sundays are perfect for those laid-back, no-rush kind of meetups. 

As the sun starts to go down, I like to wind down with some sort of self-care. It could be something like taking a nice warm bath or as simple as putting on cozy sweatpants and listening to my favorite music. At this point, I really want to relax. Before bed, I like to prepare everything for the start of the week. I will lay out my outfit, pack my bag, and take a mental note of my day’s priorities. This routine helps me wake up with a clear mind, and not have to scramble in the morning. Knowing the world isn’t perfect and neither am I, this doesn’t always get this done, but when I do, it usually calls for a wonderful and successful week. 

I recently added something to my Sunday routine that seems so insignificant but honestly holds a lot of power in my life. I like to write down all of the things I am grateful for. This helps to shift my mind away from any stress and negativity I have been carrying around. I find that it’s the small tasks like these that make all the difference in my world. I also pair this with thinking about my week ahead of me — my feelings, any challenges I may be faced with, and the mindset I’m bringing into this week. 

Don’t get me wrong, everyday is inevitable, and not everything gets done how I initially planned. Either way, I find that Sundays will always be my reserved days for taking care of myself and getting ready for the upcoming week. Life shouldn’t always be on ”Green light” and checking everything off the to-do list, but rather about finding the perfect balance between that productivity and organization and relaxation. Spending my Sundays like this makes me feel centered and confident to take on the world!

Lily Ward

U Mass Boston '27

Hi! My name is Lily Ward, and I am currently a sophomore Nursing major at the University of Massachusetts Boston. I have always loved reading and writing, as I find it to be the perfect outlet for sharing my voice.