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10 Things You Should Do Instead of Re-Watching Gossip Girl

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

Hey there, Her Campus readers. Gossip Girl here, and I have the biggest news ever. This just in… “Spotted: Your roommate’s about to start rewatching Gossip Girl again. Will you be able to stop her?”

Face it. We’ve all been there. Whether you’re back for Bass or longing for Lonely Boy, Netflix’s endless supply of Gossip Girl is like Blair Waldorf’s collection of luxury headbands. Both are oh so wrong, but they feel so right. It’s okay, we get it. You can’t help it. This is why Her Campus is here to provide you with a list of things you probably should do instead of watching Gossip Girl again.


1. Laundry

We all wish we had Dorota in our lives. But since most of us don’t, perhaps you should consider sorting through the mountain of laundry piling up in the corner – wearing Dorota’s uniform, not required.

2. Make dinner

Using real food. Like vegetables. On a stove. Set aside your computers (after you finish reading this article) and channel your inner Blair on Thanksgiving. You won’t regret the delicious results (and your roommates won’t either.)

3. See your friends

Find the Serena to your Blair and actually do something together. Note: Underage drinking at upscale hotel bars is not advised nor encouraged by the Her Campus staff).

4. Study for that midterm you forgot about

Unless you’re secretly Chuck Bass (in which case, my sister wants your number) you probably should attempt to study for your midterms. Grades aren’t everything, but they’re something. Break out that textbook and have a hot date at the Ugli.

5. Read a book

This one is pretty self-explanatory. Might I suggest Gossip Girl?

6. Write your own blog

What do Serena and Dan have in common (besides a parent with the hots for the other’s parent)? They both write a pretty mean blog. You can too! Pick a topic, find a domain, and have at it!

7. Go for a walk

The famous Elle Woods once said, “Exercise gives you endorphins, and endorphins make you happy.” I think Blair would agree. So go for a walk, go for a jog, sprint to Starbucks and get a Pumpkin Spiced Latte – whatever it is that gets ya going.

8. Feed the ducks (or squirrels)

After a unanimous vote (note: there was not actually a vote) Dorota wins MVP when it comes to leading ladies on the show. Her most admirable quality was obviously her readiness to feed the ducks at a drop of a hat (or snap of Blair’s fingers.) We might not have an excess of ducks on campus, but I hear we have a squirrel feeding club if you’re interested.

9. Go shopping

Ann Arbor might not have the “Three B’s” (Barney’s, Bergdorf, Bloomingdales) but it does have the most important “B” – Briarwood. Grab your roomie with a car or your friendly, local Uber driver and head to the mall to find your favorite fall flannel or New Year’s Eve sparkly miniskirt.

10. Sleep

Even Queen B needs a nap sometimes. Catch-up on your Zs or get your full 8 hours mid-day. Either way, you won’t regret it. That’s a fact.


So there you have it, folks. You can channel your inner Little J while finding ways to be far more productive than watching her shameful demise for the sixth time.

You know you love me,


Images courtesy of: Sidereel.com, Giphy, Quirkbooks