1. There’s something wrong. Why does it look like a green screen?
2. What is up with those outfits? Why is Coldplay covered in colorful patches?
3. It would be cool if they were glow in the dark.
4. But it’s bright outside! Why is it so bright!
5. Oh right, California. 5:30 p.m.
6. What are these flowers? Dancing flowers?
7. It looks like all the fans are like creating a Pokemon ball around the stage. Weird.
8. It looks like a video game!
9. How old is Chris Martin?
10. 38. So hot.
11. Wait is Bruno Mars a thing again?
12. He looks like he’s dancing in a garbage bag.
13. They’re totally lip syncing, look at those dance moves.
14. Is the halftime show pre-recorded?
15. I have so many questions.
16. Oh my god it’s time for Queen Bey!!!
18. No Bruno, go away, we just want to see Queen Bey.
19. Crazy in Love! Got me looking so crazy… (starts dancing in seat).
20. Queen is so much taller than Bruno jeez.
21. Chris Martin just keeps getting hotter.
22. Ummm okay halftime throwback time I guess?
23. How many times can someone perform at the Super Bowl?Â
24. Focus on Coldplay. PLEASE.
25. What is this ending? Everyone’s dancing on stage? There are children?
26. Queen Bey is the only one that killed it.
27. Is that it? Is it over?
28. Believe in love? That was cool. Weird. But cool.
29. Woah Bruno is literally the size of the children.
30. Woohoo Pepsi!
31. Well that was weird. Until next time Super Bowl halftime show…
32. Wait BeyoncĂ© commercial after the show? Surprise! Her tour! Can’t wait!
Images courtesy of: The Wrap, ABC15 Arizona, Gerard Baker, Conzi Preti.