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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

We’ve all been there. It seems like every time we need to get on the internet, whether it be to watch Netflix, check our email, or stalk someone on Facebook, MWireless “cannot connect to the Wi-Fi.” These are the 7 stages of MWireless not working:

1. Maybe I can pretend I don’t go to Michigan and try logging into MGuest.

2. Nope, OK I’ll be turning on my LTE.

3. JK I’m over my data.

4. I’ll try sitting on my roommate’s bed… she always has Wi-Fi.

5. What even is “Euoram.”

6. Should I just accept that MWireless doesn’t want me to do my homework?

7. I’ll just give up and go take a nap.

Photos courtesy of tumblr.com, mediagiphy.com, buzzfeed.com, and giphy.com