Starring Cole Sprouse and Lana Condor, Moonshot follows the story of two college students as they travel to a human colony on Mars to reunite with their significant others. Walt, one of the protagonists, is a barista with big dreams for wild adventures. Meanwhile, Sophie is responsible, no-nonsense student with firm plans and no time to get side-tracked. They team up on a commercial spaceship to find their respective partners and set their lives in motion, only to find that their original goals may not have been what they really wanted all along…
‘Moonshot’ is a lighthearted film full of comedy and romantic scenes with relatable characters and a fun, easy-to-follow plot. But one interesting aspect is that the story is set in the year 2049! This movie contains numerous scientific gadgets, not to mention a human colony on mars. All of this new technology makes you wonder… what will life be like for college students in the future?
“Our movie is very relevant to just how young people these days have to coexist online,” says Lana Condor, one of the stars in the film. She refers to the popularity of online dating and the increase in virtual conferences. Her sentiment is one shared by many. With the recent pandemic, technology has definitely become more prevalent in our lives, with the increased interest in scientific research for innovative medicine, and the countless meetings that have became virtual. Communicating with another person hundreds of miles away from you has become commonplace. But that doesn’t mean that technology doesn’t come without challenges. Moonshot displays many of these obstacles throughout the film, showing how our characters struggle maintaining their long distance relationships and keeping up a genuine connection with their significant others.
Many fun, technical contraptions appear in Moonshot, including a robot barista, a realistic 3D projector, and a space escape module. Despite all of these futuristic improvements, the thing that matters most of all is real human connection. It’s interesting that, even as technology keeps on creating new ways to communicate and influence others, we always keep going back to basics—talking with one another, finding deeper meanings, sharing our hopes and wishes. Moonshot shows this type of connection with their characters. Despite its futuristic setting and the many outlandish and fascinating tools, it’s a movie everyone can enjoy and find comfort in.
Moonshot premieres on March 31st on HBOMax. Be sure to watch this incredible film and stay curious about the possibilities of the future!