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Gratitude for the Little Things: My Personal List of Joys

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

I find it easy to see joy in the small parts of life. I can place meaning into everyday objects because my enjoyment is derived from meaningful interactions with my little corner of the world. Because I love making lists in my journal, I thought I would write down my personal joys. After reading mine, I recommend making your own list. It’s a nice way to lightheartedly reflect on some things you are grateful and it can change as much or as little as you want it to!

My ever-growing list of books to read

I constantly try to make time to read amidst my academic obligations and social calendar. My current TBR? “Lonely Castle in the Mirror” by Mizuki Tsujimura, “The Three-Body Problem” by Liu Cixin, “After Sappho” by Selby Wynn Schwartz, “Berserk Volume 1” by Kentaro Miura, and “The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom” by Don Miguel Ruiz. 

Albanese GUMMI peach rings

I am currently obsessed with them. I don’t have much of a sweet tooth but these are an exception. Side note: Haribo Sour S’ghetti is also underrated. Sour gummy candy is probably my favorite type of candy.

Japanese stationery

I love Maruman and Campus notebooks and my favorite pen is the 0.7mm Zebra Sarasa clip. Having functional, compact stationery allows me to enjoy note-taking.


I have a Princess Mononoke-themed journal that I love to write in. Journaling is a habit that I am trying to stick to this year. I want to journal as many moments of happiness as possible and avoid only journaling depressive thoughts. This way, there won’t be a negative connotation around journaling of it only being useful for unloading negative moments.

Dino nuggets

Especially as a college student, dino nuggets are an easy comfort snack, or oftentimes meal. I can easily whip them up in the air fryer, which is extra helpful when I am not feeling my best and have low energy. 

One hour naps

I have recently gotten back into napping (more like allowing myself to take naps) and I find that sleeping for about an hour is best for me. Waking up from naps can sometimes feel awful, but I am choosing to reflect on the good naps I have had as opposed to the poor ones. 

Snoopy fleece blankets

I’m obsessed with all things Snoopy and have been steadily adding to my ongoing collection. I currently have two fleece blankets with cute Snoopy prints and I love them so much. 

Laptop stickers

I used to keep my laptop completely bare, but it’s super fun to print your own stickers and deck out your computer with them.


My current go-to order is an iced matcha with vanilla, sugar-free caramel, and whipped cream. It has lots of sugar but it’s also a very nice sweet treat.

That’s it for my current list. I always look forward to making more!

BCN major at University of Michigan-Ann Arbor and future neuropsychologist 🧠 I am a music, nature, and literature enjoyer who loves indulging in skincare, makeup, and fashion.