Name: Max Rothman
Graduation Year: 2018
Hometown: Los Angeles, CA
Fun Fact: I was a baby model/actor
Her Campus: Describe your role with Wolverine Support Network.
Max Rothman: I am one of the six directors of WSN- more specifically I am the Director of Leader Development. All of us have specified roles, but we work more as a unit. My role technically includes interviewing the new leaders, running our leader meetings, putting together the groups, and facilitating our yearly retreat. Besides my technical role, it is important for me to be there for all the leaders, if they ever need anything.
HC: What’s your favorite memory being a part of WSN?
MR: My favorite memory from WSN is definitely the retreat. It is the weekend I look forward to most every year, and it always lives up to my expectations. Retreat is the weekend where, each year, all of the new and old leaders come together, and we go to a retreat site off campus. We do trainings for the leaders to learn how to deal with certain issues that occur in college life, but it’s also a weekend for everyone to bond and to get a chance to meet each other. We always play a bunch of fun games, and we stay up absurdly late talking about things that you would never imagine. It always amazes me how many long lasting friendships form after such a short weekend.
HC: Why do you think others should participate in WSN?
MR: Because it is the best thing I ever decided to do. WSN was modeled after a program from my high school that I also directed. I joined my sophomore year, and it has changed my life. I have made some of the best relationships I will ever make by joining this unbelievable organization. WSN is a place for anyone and everyone. If you think that you or a friend would benefit from being in a support group, join WSN. If you want to meet new people and make new friends, join WSN. If you feel like you could just use a place to talk about whatever you want, join WSN. I never would have known how amazing this organization would be if I didn’t step into my first group during my sophomore year, and I hope that everyone can have the same experience I had.
HC: What other activities are you involved in on campus?
MR: Besides Wolverine Support Network, I am on the Club Tennis Team, I am a part of Music Matters, and I am a brother of Phi Delta Theta.
HC: What is your favorite song at the moment?
MR: Long Distance by Sam Gellaitry
HC: What is your go-to Pizza House order?
MR: Obviously cheesy bread with marinara sauce.
HC: If money wasn’t a concern, or any other logistics, what would your dream job be and why?
MR: I would definitely be a professional tennis player. I absolutely love tennis, and it’s the only time in my week where I get to just go out and play without worrying about anything else. If I had the opportunity to be able to play the sport that I love for a living, I would do it in a heartbeat.Â